Chapter 1

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                                                                                     Chapter 1

Mitch's POV

Scott and I walked hand in hand singing on a cool autumn day. We had been walking all day and we didn't even know where we were at the moment, we kind of got distracted by each other and our singing and didn't keep track of where we were. I looked around to see that we were in a kind of bad part of LA instantly getting worried. Scott must have notice I tensed up because he looked down at me and stopped singing. "What's wong Babe?" 

"Where are we? I think we need to get out of here before we get shot or something." He laughed and looked around. "I've driven by here before, I remember how to get back. We'll be ok let's just turn around. "Ok." We turned around and began the trip back. We walked forever and I saw one broken down house after another. I felt bad for whoever had to live here.

Suddenly I thought I heard a small whimpering sound coming from an old run down house on the corner. I stopped and listened thinking maybe it was an animal of some type. "What's that?" I asked Scott as he stopped next to me. "A cat maybe? that sounds like a person?"He said in confusion. I walked closer to the house and knocked softly and to my surprise the door opened. I looked back at Scott who shrugged his shoulders. We heard crying from inside the house and I took a step closer. "Mitch!" Scott whispered and I turned to him. 

"You can't just break into someones house!"He looked shocked.

"I'm not breaking in, it's open and what if someone's hurt inside?"I was determined to figure out this mystery. "I don't want to get arrsted!"He said a little louder. We heard the crying again. "Ok that sounds like a child!"I said. Finally he followed me and we cautiously walked inside. We followed the sounds of crying and knew it was a child as we got closer. We heard it louder and I stopped in front of a door. I pressed my ear up to the door and glanced back at Scott who was frozen in place. "H-hello?" I asked knocking gently on the door. The crying instantly stopped and then a long pause. "Are you ok in there?" I asked again getting a little worried. "HELP!" The soft voice from behind the door yelled. I turned back to Scott who's eyes were wide. I tried the door and it was locked. "Please! Help!" It was a childs voice. 

"Scott help me get this door open!" He was already by my side before I could finish asking him. "On the count of three! One. two. THREE!" I yelled and we both kicked the door. It opened and slammed into the wall. Scott and I looked horrified at the sight. There, tied to a bed was a small girl. She was very think and pale and she was crying. "OH MY GOD!" I yelled running over to her and quickly untieing her. She looked terrified and I picked her up. Scott ran over to me and grabbed my arm leading me out of the room. As we were heading for the door a gruff looking man walked in clearly wasted and stopped when he saw us and the little girl. "Whaaat thhee hell aaree youuu doing?!"He slurred angrily. The litte girl screamed and I hugged her closer to myself. Scott wasted no time and ran forward towards the man shoving him hard against the wall and pinning him there. "Get her out of here!" He screamed as the man struggled against him. I ran with the girl in my arms. She stopped screaming and moving and I looked down to find her unconcious. I didn't stop I ran and ran until I was a far enough distance from the house.

Scott's POV

"Get her out of here!" I yelled to Mitch and he took off out of the house with the little girl. I held the man in place as I was a little bigger than him. He got his knee into my stomach and I let him go falling to the ground. He came at me and punched my cheek. I stumbled and felt his hands on my shirt trying to pull me up but I was ready. I jumped up and punched him square in the face and he slumped to the ground. I ran out of he house as fast as I could yelling out Mitch's name looking franticaly around for him. "Here!" I finally heard Mitch's voice. I found him standing by a tree still holding the girl who looked to be asleep. "You're ok! Omg thank GOD!" He looked into my eyes and I saw a tear fall. I quickly wiped it away and we walked away both in shock after what had just happened.

****Sorry it's a short chapter.******

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