Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Scott's POV

"Y-yes I understand. We'll be there in half an hour." I hung up the phone and looked to Mitch with concern. "What is it?" He asked worried. 

"They think they found her parents'bodies. They need us to bring her to the police station for a blood test to make sure they're her actual parents."I informed him. I sighed, this was going to be tough and I hoped they wouldn't want her to try to identify them. She couldn't deal with seeing them dead again. We piled into the car and drove to the police station in silence. We didn't tell her why we were going here as to not upset her but I was pretty sure she already knew. She was pretty smart for a five year old. 

We walked her in and were met by Heidi and a few officers who escorted us to to a small questioning room. We sat and Zadie sat on my lap. I could tell she was nervous. "Hello, my name is Anna. I'll just be taking some blood and then I'll be out of your hair ok?"A nice lady in a lab coat stated walking in the room. She pulled out a needle and then looked at Zadie. "This will only hurt a little sweetie and it'll be over quick."She glanced at us as if to tell us to keep her calm. I felt Zadie tense up in my lap. 

"It's ok honey. Mitchie and I are right here."I reaasured her and she relaxed a little. Mitch held her hand as Anna came over to us. 

A moment later she was holding a vile of Zadie's blood and was gathering her stuff. She walked out of the room leaving us to wonder what was going to happen. 

Mitch's POV

The lab lady left the room and Scott and I exchanged looks. We sat there for what seemed like hours. Zadie had moved from Scott's lap to mine and had fallen alseep against my chest. I rubbed her back gently. Scott and I were getting nervous and just wanted to know what was going on. Finally Heidi and an officer  walked in and sat accrossed from us at the small table. "The blood test is a match, the bodies are her parents."She said in a hushed tone as to not wake Zadie up. 

"We did a full background check on them and found that there are no living relatives of her. We also ran the name of the man she gave us, Daren, through our system and got a match."The officer said pulling out a picture. He handed it to me and one look and I knew it was the right guy. I looked up at the officers questioning eyes and nodded. "That's him." I stated.

"Yea I'd remember that face anywhere." Scott agreed. I shivered remember that day we found her. He was so scary looking and if Scott hadn't thought quickly I wouldn't have been able to get her out. Thank god Scott was tough. I was pulled from my thoughts as the officer continued.

"His name's Daren Fox and he's wanted for murder in more than one state. We think he's been hiding out here for a few years." The officer explained taking back the picture. Scott and I looked at eachother with worry. So not only was this guy a kidnapper, but he was a murderer too. "We're pretty sure he's left the state knowing we're on to him since there hasn't been any sign of him since you found her, but if you see anyone who even remotely resembles him you let us know right away so we can get him." Scott and I nodded. I didn't like the fact that he was still on the loose. We would have to be careful and always keep an eye out for him. They had no proof that he left the state and it's a big state so he could be anywhere. I could only hope he got scared of being caught and left.

"So what happens now?" Scott finally asked. All he and I could think about was if they were going to take Zadie away from us or not and we knew it was coming. The officer and Heidi exchanged looks and then Heidi spoke. "Well we have to decide what the best thing for her is. Because she has no other family she should be turned over to the state adoption agency and foster care...."She stopped talking when she saw our dissapointed looks. I blinked back my tears, we knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Who were we kidding thinking we would be able to keep her? Heidi smiled at us and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I said she should be turned over but I never said she would be..."My eye widened with shock.

" mean...she can STAY?!" I almost yelled. Zadie squirmed in my arms and I quickly stroaked her face so she wouldn't wake up. Heidi laughed at mine and Scott's reactions.

"We talked about it and since she's been staying with you for almost a month already you two are practucally like her foster parents anyway and she's made so much progress with you." She said happily. Scott looked at me in just as much shock as me. We couldn't beleive what we just heard. Zadie was ours! She could stay! Scott suddenly laughed outloud realizing what was just said and I followed his laughter with my own. "I will get you the paperwork and you will still be getting visits from me the first of every month if that works just to make sure everything is going ok but from what I've seen so far I have no doubt that she'll be in good hands."And with that Heidi and the officer walked out leaving us to cry tears of joy. 

"You mean she's yours?!"Kirstie squeeled into the phone.

"Yes!"I laughed loudly. I was so incredably happy I couldn't hold it in. Scott was on his phone with Kevin and Avi telling him the good news and by the sound of it they were just as excited. "Wait, what happens when we go on tour? i mean she can't exactly come with us."Kirstie asked. Scott and I hadn't even thought about that. "Well...maybe she can stay with our parents or something? I don't know Kirst. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it I guess. Speaking of our parents, they don't even know about her yet. We should probably tell them."

"Ok well I'm super excited for you two!" She exclaimed. We said our goodbyes and then hung up. Scott walked in the kitchen where I was and wrapped his arms around me. "Ohhh Mitchie I love you SO much!"He laughed and kissed me. 

"I love you too Scotty!"I kissed him back. I don't think we've ever been so happy before in our lives. I felt small arms around my leg and looked down to see Zadie hugging my leg. I bent down and picked her up and hugged her tightly. Scott put his long arms around the both of us and we just stood there in the big embrace for a while.

After we ate dinner we talked to Zadie about meeting our parents soon and she was excited to have grandparents. We thought maybe next weekend we could all fly to Texas and visit them, although we weren't sure if we should tell them about Zadie ahead of time or just show up and surprise them. We decided to sleep on it. We decided to watch a movie together for the rest of the night since none of us felt like doing anything else. We just wanted to enjoy being tgether. We showed Zadie all our child movies and she picked Frozen. She sat in between the both of us and I couldn't help but feel like this is how life should be. I grabbed Scott's hand and we looked into eachother's eyes thinking the same thing. We were officially a family. 

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