Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Scott's POV

Kirstie and I ran through the trail hearing the bounding footsteps after us. "Wait...I can't run anymore!" Kirste yelled trying to catch her breath. We ducked behind a tree to rest. 

"Kirstie we have to keep moving. We need to get to the car and call the police." I whispered. 

"Ok, I'm ok lets go.." She breathed out and we took off running again.

"There they are!" We heard someone shout and they started shooting at us. I pulled Kirstie to the side and we kept zig-zagging our way through the trail. 

Suddenly one more shot rang out and Kirstie screamed. I felt intense, burning pain to the side of my knee and fell hard yelling out in pain. 

"I got em!" One man laughed and we heard running towards us. 

"SCOTT!!" Kirstie scremed and knealt down to me. I looked up at her and knew what I had to do. "Kirstie...ugghh...RUN!" I yelled through the pain and pushed her back.

"NO! I won't leave you like this!" She sobbed.

"You have to, Just GO!" I pushed her again. "GO!" 

She backed up shaking her head. "GO NOW!" I screamed at her and she finally took off still sobbing. I attempted to stand but before I could I felt strong hands grab my arms pulling me up. I yelped as the pain ran through my leg and struggled against the two men who held me. "Let go of me!" I grumbled but couldn't get free. Daren stood in front of me with a very angry look. "Where is she?!" He demanded and I said nothing. 

"Her and your little bofriend." He smirked as my eyes widened but I still was silent. He pulled out the gun and held it under my chin. "I said, where are they?" I closed my eyes breathing through the pain in my knee waiting for him to pull the trigger. I would never tell him where Mitch and Zadie were, I would rather die.  "Come on man just waste him!" One of the men holding me yelled.

"No. I want the other one, and especially the girl. I need him alive, for now that is..." Daren laughed and removed the gun. I opened my eyes to let a tear escape. "Put him in the car." Daren ordered and the two men dragged me to their car. I could feel the wetness of my blood spilling from my knee, soaking my jeans. I was thrown to the ground and I grabbed my knee as the intense pain filled my leg. One of the men grabbed my hands roughly and started wrapping tape tightly around my wrists. I tried to struggle but the pain was too much. They grabbed me and stuffed me into the trunk of their car quickly closing the door. i could barely fit in the trunk and being scrunched up didn't help the pain. I couldn't hold in my sobs any longer. I was beyond terrified. They were going to use me to get Mitch and Zadie, and then they were going to kill us all.

Kirstie's POV

I ran. I ran so fast and didn't stop until I reached the car. I started the car and sped off in the direction of Mitch's house. I could barely see through my tears as I pulled into the driveway. I jumped out of the car and raced to the front door pounding as hard as I could. "MITCH!!" I screamed and pounded harder. the door flew open and i flew myself into his arms sobbing loudly. "Kirst...what's wrong....wait where's Scott?" He asked in confusion. I couldn't speak. I tried to compose myself so I could tell him.

"Sc-Scott.....they...Daren..." Was all I could get out. I started sobbing again as his eyes widened with fear. 

"Kirstie you need to tell me everything. What happened. Is Scott ok?" Mitch asked, his voice a little shaky. I shook my head and took a series of deep breaths to calm down. 

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