Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Scott's POV

Mitch Zadie and I walked off the plane and looked around the airport. My parents were working late today so Mitch's parents said they would pick us up. We didn't tell them about Zadie yet, we wanted to surprise them and quite frankly we didn't exactly know how to tell them. "Over there! There they are!"Mitch said pointing to our right. I saw them wave to us. We grabbed Zadie's hands and hurried over to them. They didn't notice her at first but once they did a look of confusion washed over them. "Here we go..."I mumbled under my breath. Mitch embraced them both and I did the same. "Who is this lovely lady?"Mr. Grassi asked smiling. 

"Mom, dad, this is Zadie." She looked up and waved at them and they smiled. "Why don't we explain when we get home?"Mitch coninued. We walked out of the airport and to their car.

Once we got to Mitch's parents house I picked Zadie up and carried her inside as she had fallen asleep. She wasn't used to traveling like this. I layed her on the couch and put a blanket over her, then walked into the kitchen where Mitch's parents sat.  "Ok guys spill. Whos the little girl?" Mrs. grassi asked suspiciously. Scott and I exchanged looks and then sat down. "Ok, just don't freak out please? So a little over a month ago Scott and I were walking and we heard crying from a house." Mitch started.

"So since the door was open we decided to check it out because we thought someone might be hurt...and we found her." I chimed in. 

"You FOUND her?"Alone in a house?" Mr. Grassi questioned.

"Yes, she was tied to a bed and she looked like she'd been abused. So we rushed over to her and untied her and started to leave..." Mitch continued.

"But this man came in and tried to stop us from leaving so I had to knock him out to get her to safety." I finished. 

"Wow..."Was all they could say.

"We took her to the hospital and she wouldn't let go of me so the social worker said she was attached to us for saving her. She let us take her home until she could talk about what happened. It turns out her parents were murdered and she was kidnapped. The guy who took her is wanted for murder in more than one state." Mitch continued.

"Oh my GOD! What happened to the man?"Mrs. Grassi asked.

"They haven't found him, it's like he completely dissapeared." I replied. Mr and Mrs. Grassi exchanged worried looks. 

"But the good news is that we get to be her foster parents! She's been staying with us for a month now and the social worker decided that it would be best for her to stay with us. Sorry we didn't tell you guys sooner but we've been a little pre-occupied with her."Mitch explained. His parents smiled brightly. 

"So we have a grandaughter? How exciting!" Mrs Grassi laughed. 

"Wow, you guys are amazing did you know that? I mean lot's of people would have said it wasn't their problem and left her at the hospital. The fact that you stayed by her is fantastic. I'm proud of you boys." Mr. Grassi got up and hugged us both followed by Mrs. Grassi. 

Later that night we had dinner with my parents and Mitch's parents and explained everything to my parents who were equally as excited for us. Zadie was so happy to have grandparents and they thought she was so adorable. "So when Mitch and I go on tour would you mind watching her for us?" I asked both our parents. 

"Of course we will. We would love to help you two out with anything you need." My mom said happily. They decided to take Zadie shopping in the morning so Mitch and I could have the whole day to ourselves and we agreed since we hadn't had a day alone since she came into our lives. We needed a date day/night desperately. 

We said our goodnights and settled into the pull out bed in Mitch's parents house. Zadie slept in Mitch's old bedroom.  "So what should we do tomorrow?"I asked Mitch through a yawn. 

"Oh don't worry I have it all planned out." Mitch snickered. I pulled myself on top of him propping up on my elbows to look into his eyes. "What do you mean?" He just smiled and kissed me. I sighed knowing I wouldn't get anything out of him. I rolled off him and snuggled up to his shoulder. I finally fell asleep thinking about what we were going to do tomorrow.

Mitch's POV

I awoke early in the morning and carefully got out of bed so I wouldn' wake up Scott. I wanted to get everything ready for our date without him knowing. First I would take him out for breakfast, then there was a carnival in town and I knew how much he loved them. We could eat lunch there and then after that I thought i would take him to see Gaurdians of the Galaxy. He's been so strong throughout this whole stressful process of getting Zadie and I wanted to do something nice for him. Even when I broke down he was still strong for me. he was my rock and he needed to know how much I loved him. I showered and Purchased tickets to both the carnival and movie online so we wouldn't have to wait in a ticket line. I walked back into the living room and almost didn't want to wake Scott up with how peacful he looked. I bent down and kissed him passionately and his eyes fluttered open and a huge smiled flushed on his face. "Morning beautiful." He said sleepily. "Morning sleepy head. Now get up and get ready to go." I ordered playfully. 

"Where are we going?" He asked getting up.

"You'll see just HURRY!" I spanked him and he laughed and rushed to the bathroom for a shower. 

An hour later we pulled into IHOP for breakfast. I know it may not seem romantic to most but it's our favorite place to get breakfast. "Yay IHOP! My favorite!" He chuckled. we walked hand in hand to the doors and I held them open for him. "Ooooh such a gentleman..." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. we sat down and I picked up a menu. "Order anything you want it's all on me." I said.

"Are you sure babe?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Of course!" I kissed his hand and he blushed slightly making me smile. It was the cutest thing ever.

After he finished a full plate of pancakes and I finished an omelet, I paid and we walked back to the car. "Where to now?" He pressed me for answers.

"Not telling. Just wait and see." I laughed knowing how frustrated I was making him. 

Thirty minutes later we arrived at the carnival. "Wow! I didn't know it was in town! Mitchy!! You're the greatest!" He squeezed me.

"Mmmkk Scott. Can't...breathe..." I laughed as he imediately let go. "And guess what, I'll even go on the rides with you!" I smiled at his beaming eyes. 

"Really? You don't have to...."

"I WANT to babe. I'd do anything for you." He kissed me and I could see how happy I made him. I handed him a ticket and we exited the car. I was nervous because I hated rides but I knew I was safe with Scott and I wanted to do this for him. 

***I know these chapters aren't too exciting. I really like writing action scenes so that will be coming soon. I'm just waiting for the right time.****

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