Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Mitch's POV

That night I got ready for bed and walked into the hallway after brushing my teeth. I glanced over at Zadies room and slowly walked towards it. I opened the door and stared into her room sighing deeply. She was gone...she was really gone. I mean she was coming back felt weird not seeing her in there asleep. I felt hands around my waist as Scott joined me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and gently swayed me back and forth. "I miss her already..." I said trying not to cry.

"Me too babe. I knew it was going to be difficult but I didn't realize it was going to be THIS hard..." I could tell he was holding back his own tears. I turned around and stood on my tip toes wrapping my arms around his neck. I placed a soft, passionate kiss on his perfect lips and broke away smiling. "We'll get through this together. It'll be ok." I reaasured him, as well as myself. 

The next week flew by and was a complete blur of packing, planning, and rehearsing like crazy. I don't think Scott or I slept more than a few hours the entire week...well that might be a slight exageration but you get what I mean. 

It was the night before the tour started and Scott and I fell into bed exhausted from the week. We had packed our bags so we could sleep in as much as possible and all we had to do was get up and go. I was excited for this tour to start, but also a little nervous. I always got nervous before performing. Both of us missed Zadie terribly but we had to push it from our minds. I snuggled close to Scott and brought his hand to my lips. "Goodnight Scott. I love you!"

"Night Mitchie. I love you more..."

Scott's POV

"Mitch come on!" I yelled in annoyance. We were supposed to leave for the studio fifteen minutes ago but Mitch always took forever to get ready. Today was officially the start of our tour and we were meeting everyone at the studio and then from there we would take our tour bus. "Calm down I'm done!" Mitch yelled back and then walked out of the bathroom. "I just litterally have to look my best..." He sassed grabbing his bags. 

"You always look let's GO!" I opened the door for him and he walked out. I grabbed my own bags and then walked out the door. "Be back in a few months..." I mumbled looking at the house before following Mitch to the car. 

"It's tour time!" Mitch screetched excitedly making me laugh. This was going to be fun!

"I think it should have more of a hip-hop vibe to it don't you think? Kevin suggested as we all sat in a circle on the bus. We were arranging a new song...or rather trying to arrange one and we were having some difficulties.

"Ok maybe..." I said as I typed it into my phone next to my other notes.

"Maybe we should take a break and think about it for a while, then we can come back and start again?" Kirstie mentioned and everyone agreed. I couldn't concentrate anyway, all I could think about was how Zadie was doing. "Hey you ok?" Mitch asked sitting next to me. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked away from him. He grabbed my chin gently and turned my face to his. "Hey baby, talk to me. This is about Zades isn't it?" He knew me too well. I sighed and nodded. It was too late to call her and we'd talked to her earlier today but I couldn't help it. "I wish she was here with us. I miss seeing her perfect little face and her beautiful smile..."

"I miss her too Scott but you can't let it get to you. We need to concentrate on this tour and before you know it, it'll be over and we'll be back to Zades." He put his arms around me and we held eachother close. 

Mitch's POV

"ZADES!!! How are you? How was your first day of school? Scotty's right here by the way." I said excitedly into the phone.

"Scotty! Mitchie! I miss you! Today at school I learned about the moon! Did you know that it changes shape and it's called different things and..."

"Whoaa...honey slow down! But that's really awesome!" Scott laughed. She sounded so excited about what she was learning. 

"So what else has been going on?" I asked.

"Grandma and grandpa won't let me have maceroni as mch as you do." I could just imagine her pouty face right now.

"Oh really? How come?" Scott asked

"They say it's not good for me. But they make other good stuff to eat." 

We talked for another half hour before we have to say goodbye. We hated to hang up because she always sounded so sad but we didn't have a choice. At least we got to talk to her everyday, that's what was important. It was slowly getting easier being away from her...not that we didn't care anymore but we were just getting used to her not being with us. We knew she was in good hands anyway.

"You guys ok?" Avi asked. He came over and sat accrossed from us. 

"'s just hard being away from her. Sorry if it seems like we're killing the joy of the tour..." Scott replied.

"No don't worry about it. I can't imagine how hard it must be to leave your child and not get to see her for months." Avi understood. I nodded. 


"Thank you Phillidephia!!!" Scott yelled into the microphone. We had just ended our third concert and it went so well. The crowd cheered as we waved and walked backstage. "Oh my god! That was my favorite concert so far!" Scott cheered and hugged me. It was so nice to see him happy and not worrying about Zadie. "Time to go meet the fans!" I said excitedly. I always loved meeting them and seeing all their smiling faces. We walked out to where they had a signing table all set up for us. We sat down and waited until finally they started letting fans in. "Oh my god Mitch! You're my QUEEN!" A girl screamed as she approached me. I laughed and my cheeks turned a little pink. 

"Aww thank you girl!" I said and took the poster from her to sign. 

The night continued with more signing and some pictures and then finally it was time to leave. We all walked back to the bus exauhsted, but happy that everything went so well. 

I layed in my bunk reading a book when I heard shuffling from outside my curtain. I slowly pulled it back to see Scott standing there with a pouty face. I laughed quetly trying not to wake everyone else up. "What's wrong babe?" I asked through my laughter. 

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked pushing his bottom lip out further and giving me a sad puppy dog face. I shook my head at how cute he was. "Yes you can...but I don't think we'll both fit in here. 

"Oh we'll fit" He chuckled and climbed in. The only way we fit was if I half layed on top of him, so that's how we layed. I was half asleep when Scott shifted a little. "Hey Mitch?" 

"hmm?" I groaned sleepily. 

"What if they never find him?" I shot my head up to look at him. 

"Who? What?" I was sleepy and a bit confused.

"Daren...what if they don't find him. Or what if he finds us and get's Zadie..." He asked sounding a little scared. I was a little shocked. Scott was always the strong one, never scared of anything and he sounded so vulnerable to me right now. "That won't happen because she has us, she has you Scott. You are such a strong person and you've always protected me." I kissed his nose and smiled. He returned my smile and closed his eyes. "Ok, thanks Mitchie." He said and then yawned.

"Anytime babe."

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