The World Stops

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"Yoongi!" Jimin complains, as the older pays for his stuff yet again. "I have money too y'know." Yoongi smiles and laughs a little bit.
"I know~ But let me treat you for a bit okay?" Yoongi rebuttals. However, Jimin doesn't really accept it.
"You already treated me to lunch. Now let me treat you. You can pick the next store!" Yoongi looks around at the stores. He never usually went to the mall, but when he did he would only go to one store.

"Y-Yoongi." Jimin says shyly. "Y-you read?" Yoongi looks at him, shocked.
"Of course I do. Who doesn't read?"

"Jungkook and Taehyung." Jimin complains. Yoongi laughs a bit again, making Jimin's heart flutter.

He's just so damn attractive. Who gave him the right. Poor Jimin was losing his mind.

"I usually just come here for the piano books they sell, but if something catches my eye, I would buy it." Yoongi explains, walking over to the piano section.
"I'm actually looking for a piece. I couldn't find it anywhere. And I don't really like getting it online."
"I can help. What's it called?" Jimin asks. Yoongi looks at him.
"Ballade no. 1 in G Minor. It's composed by Chopin, and it's really stupid hard. But it's beautiful." Yoongi explains.
"I've never heard of it. But I'll try and find it for you." Jimin says, getting to work.

I wonder if Taehyung knows it. Jimin wonders. He probably does.

The boy looks at Yoongi as he's searching for the piece. He wonders how someone could look that effortlessly gorgeous, when Yoongi wasn't really doing anything relatively 'model-like'.
"I'm guessing you really like this song?" Jimin asks, flipping through books.
"Yeah. My mom would play it when I was younger." He explains, giving off a nostalgic expression. "She loved it. I never knew why. It was always so sad."
"Sometimes the sad ones are the prettiest." Jimin says. "Wow that sounded really dumb, please don't mind me oh my gosh why am I still talking help!"
Yoongi chuckles loudly now, making Jimin blush. "You're not wrong. But they aren't the only beautiful ones."

Searching more and more, Jimin finally stumbles upon a Chopin book that contains the song Yoongi's looking for.
"Yoongi! Is this the one?" Jimin asks. Yoongi takes the book from his hands, and flips through the pages. There's a bright smile spread across his face.
"Yes! Thanks so much Jimin." Yoongi closes the book and hugs it close to his chest.
"Great! Now I'll go pay for it! Wait outside!" Jimim snatches the book out of Yoongi's grip and skips to the register.
"But!-" Jimin wont even spare the boy a glance.

"No way! You bought a lot of things for me today! At least let me do this for you. Now go wait outside." Jimin yells again.

Yoongi sighs, but his smile never ceases. Accepting defeat, he walks out of the store, and waits for his friend in the front.

Standing around for a while, Yoongi spots something not too far away from where he is. A piano. A grand piano. And a brand new one at that. Right in the middle of the mall. He starts to walk towards the instrument. The seller allowed players to test out the piano. It was Yoongi's chance. He texted Jimin that he'd be back, and went to the giant piano.
"Could I?" Yoongi asks he seller, who smiles brightly at him a and nods.
"Feel free to do so!" He says.

Yoongi sits down. Stretching his fingers a bit he shakes his hands, and runs the notes through his mind. The song he has in mind plays through his head. Like a melody he'd never forget.

Jimin on the other hand is finally don't paying for the book. But only walks out of the store to find that Yoongi ditched him. The boy looks around for Yoongi, hoping that maybe he was somewhere near, and when he finally does set his eyes on the boy sitting at the piano...

The world stops.

And suddenly there's only him, Yoongi, and the music he produced.

(Play the video).

A short chapter. My apologies. But I felt that it wouldn't be appropriate to add anything else after this part.

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