Chapter 7

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*Carrie's POV*

I wake up to my mama shaking me.

"Wake up Care" Mama says

"I'm up" I say

"Your father and I are leaving. We'll be back as soon as we can" Mama says and I sit up and hug her.

"Goodbye, love you" I say

"Love ya too" She says walking out of the room. I look over at my alarm clock and it's 10:00 am so I decided to go wake up Corinna.

"Corinna time to wake up" I say lightly shaking her.

"Grandma and Grandpa are leaving come say goodbye" I say

"I'm up mama" She says standing up. We walk downstairs and she runs over to my mom and hugs her and tells her goodbye then walks over to my dad and does the same with him.

"Goodbye y'all. See ya soon, love you" I say waving to them as they walk out the door.

"Love you too my sweet Carebear" Dad says and I smile. After they leave I decided to make breakfast for Corinna and I since Mike's at practice.

"What do ya want to eat?" I ask her

"French toast" She says. I get out the ingredients and make French toast. After it's finished Corinna and I ate then went and got dressed.

"Do you wanna go surprise daddy at practice?" I ask her

"Yeah!" She says excitedly

"Okay, let's go" I say grabbing the car keys. We walk out the door and I help her in her booster seat and buckle her in then I get in and drive to the rink. When we arrive I open the door for Corinna and carry her inside.

*Mike's POV*

The guys and I are in the locker room messing around before practice starts like always. We all put our skates on and grab our hockey sticks and walk out on the ice. We began practicing when i hear the door open then close. I skate over to the edge of the ice to see Carrie and Corinna.

"Hello beautiful ladies" I smile

"Well hello there" Carrie says

"Hi daddy" Corinna waves.

"Y'all come over here for a second I have someone I want y'all to meet" I yell to the guys. They all skate over and smile when they see my little girl.

"Hello little miss who are you?" James asks

"I'm Corinna, Mike and Carrie's daughter" She says smiling.

"Wanna come skate with us?" Seth asks

"Yeah!" Corinna says excitedly.

Corinna and Carrie went and got skates on and came back and walked out on the ice with us. I go over and hold Corinna's hand to protect her from falling.

"You're a natural" I say

"Thank you daddy" Corinna said with the biggest smile on her face

"Come here Carrie" I say holding my other arm out for her to come and skate with us. She skates over and I put my arm around her and we skate around for the rest of the day laughing,playing, and falling many times.

My little family is perfect

{Sorry it's short but the next chapter Corinna is gonna be a teenager. I CAN'T BELIEVE CARRIE IS ACTUALLY PREGNANT. IMAGINE THEM SKATING AROUND WITH THEIR SON/DAUGHTER IN JUST A FEW YEARS😭💖👌! I don't know how often I'll be able to update because I just started school today but I'll try to update anytime I get free time... Anyways keep commenting and voting. Xo💕}

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