Chapter 1:Nightmares

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"CASSIE! NOOOOO!" yells Andros julting upright in his bed. He just woke up from having a nightmare about Cassie's death. He was horrified at how real the dream was, how it took him back to her death he saw it over and over agian. Seeing her in the building with him in the Hidden City looking for all the missing people. They were walking into a lab like room & without him even knowing Cassie saw a laser about to hit him (Andros). She said "ANDROS! LOOK OUT!" and pushed him out of the way and as soon as he pushed hm a force field went around her and she started disalving away he tried to grab her saying "CASSIE!" but it electricuted him an her when he touched her and it shot him back into a wall. The others come in just in time to see her fully disappear. She was gone. Astronama finally git rid of a ranger the PINK RANGER. The one Andros loved, buteven that wouldn't stop her from distroying Cassie right in front of Andros's eyes. Andros could shake te feeling of helplesness he couldn't stand seeing her die over and over agian. He broke down in tears falling back onto his bed he didn't know how or when but he was going to make Astronima pay for killing Cassie. He didn't care if Astronama was his sister she wasn't anymore not since she was turned back evil. She killed the one and only girl he ever loved and to make it even worse she did it right in front of him.

"Andros are you alright?" asked D.E.C.A. the Mega Ships super computer.

"I'M FINE!" yelled Andros still crying.

****************THE NEXT DAY*******************

"Andros?" asked Ashley knoking on the door to his room.

"Ashley wont you and everyone else just leave me alone?" asked Andros practikly yelling.

"No. Andros we wont. Can't you see were worried about you. You are locked up in your room 24/7. We ALL miss Cassie not just you I mean she was my best friend in the whole world. I miss her like crazy. But she wouldn't want us to mope around locked up in our rooms all day. She'd want us to keep fighting forgood continuing one our jobs and misson to protect the Earth from Astronima." said Ashley imediatly regreting saying the name Astronima.

"DON'T say that name. I hate her. She killed Cassie I loved her and I never got the chance to tell her she sacraficed herself to save me not knowing what would happen when she steped under that laser for me." yelled Andros crying all over agian his heart full of hert and pain with the absence of Cassie right their with him he knew that if she were here right now she would know how to cheer him up and if she were here he wouldn't need cheering up. he knew that if he could redo that day he would never have gone in that room and if he had he would have made sure Cassie didn't save him.

"Andros? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just tying to make you feel better I miss hanging around with you. You should come out and go get somthing to eat with us do some shoping and see a movie. And if not you should at least talk to us we are here if you need us at anytime even if we are sleeping you just wake us up we wont judge you no matter what you tell us. We just miss our Best Friend and want to help him heal." said Ashley feeling said cause she spoke the truth she really did miss talking to and hanging with Andros.

"No thanks. But I will talk to you if I need to. Thanks Ash your the best." said Andros.

"Your welcome. Well see ya." said Ashley.

"Bye." said Andros.

Andros and Cassie: Broken without youWhere stories live. Discover now