Chapter 3: Complications

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Ashley ran down the hallway to the Exit Bay to see of she could catch Andros but when she got to the window of the Exit Bay she saw that he had already reached Earth.

Andros was walking down a side street of Angle Grove behind the Youth Center where he and Cassie as well as the others used to hang out at almost everyday after school and such. He missed Cassie so much."Why did she have to die?" askd Andros to himself. "Why was it her? She didn't deserve to die, she was so young. She was the most amazing, beautiful, strong, brave, indepenednt girl I've ever meet and now she's gone said Andros bowing his head to cry as he sat down on a bench at Angle Grove City Park.

I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph not knowin serves me well

"Andros?" asked T.J. walking up to Andros sitting down next to him on the park bench.

Andros looked up surprised to see T..J. siting next to him and very quicky wipes his tears away before T.J. could see.

"Andros dude you dont hae to hide that your cring from me. I miss Cassie to maybe not more than you but I do. I get what your feeling and I know how you felt about Cassie. So I would imagine her death would effect you I just didn;t think it would effect you this much." said T.J. trying to comfert his friend.

"What are you doing here I thought I left you guys on the Mega Ship?" said Andros suprised.

"You can' get rid of us that easily Andros. Besides were here to see a movie about us the Power Rangers called Power Rangers vs. King Mondo you know about Ashley, Carlos, Justin, Me...and Cassie as the Turbo Rangers." said T.J.

"Well how did you find me? And where are the others?" asked Andros.

"Well the others are geting some food before the movie in 30 mins. and I just wanted to take a quick walk. And bro not everyone has hair like you. So I'd know it's you without seeing your face." said T.J. lauging just as Andros had. He knew he had uniqe hair esspecaly since it was his natural hair color. Many people thought it wa wierd but not his friends they all thought his hair was cool.

"So you wanna go catch that movie er what?'' asked T.J.

"I'll think about it. Thanks T.J. you've always been a good friend to me and the others." said Andros to his friend.

"Thanks Andros. Well I'd better get back to the others see you later dude." said T.J. getting up from the bench heading back to the mall square.

"No thank you. Bye Teej." said Andros waving goodbye to his friend.

Andros got up and decited to o for a walk round the park and the mall square to help clear his mind. His head was aching from all of the endless questions abou mny things but mostly Cassie. "Why did she have to die? She had so much she wanted to do in her life. She was loving, careing and compashoniate towards others. She was always their to comfert anyone who needed it wethier she new them or not or even if they were mean she was never one to hold a gruge or blame others for anything no matter what it was or who's fault it was. " he thougt. Maybe that why he liked her som much she was beautiful inside and out. His head was swimmimg with anger, regret, guilt, pain, saddness he felt incomplete without Cassie in his life. But his heart and his soul were hurting the most he was completely crushed an broken without Cassie. If it haddn't have been for him beein careless and not paying attention to his surroundings Cassie and him would both be alive together.

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Cause I'm broken, when I'm lonesome

And I dont feel right when your gone away

Your gone away... You dont feel me here anymore

The worst is over now and we can breath agian

I wanna hold you high and steal that pain away

There's s much let to learn, and no one left to fight

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Andros felt better after some time of walking so he could cool down. He thought he would go join his friends at the movies, he figured he'd probably only missed like 5 mins. So he would try to get there before the previews ended. He started runnig for the square but halfway there he was attacked by some of Astronima's quanatrons and a monster.

"Hello Red Ranger. Out alone I see to bad looks like I'll just have to settle with you." said the monster.

"Oh so your a friend of Astronima I see? So you wont mnd giving her a messege for me then? Tell her that she is going to pay for what she did to Cassie! LET'S ROCKET!" shouted Andros pressing 3-3-5-EJ on his morpher morphing him into the Red Space Ranger. And then the monster charges at Andros.

Cause I'm broken, when I'm open

And I don't feel like I am strong engouh

Cause I'm broken, when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right, when your gone away

Andros and Cassie: Broken without youWhere stories live. Discover now