Chapter 7: Cassie and Andros talk

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"So what would you like?" asked Andros to his girlfriend Cassie.

"Well I don't know. How about a burger and some fries?" asked Cassie.

"Anything for you, besides that sounds great!" he said leading her to the Sinthatron.

The Sinthatron was located in the exit bay where they also eat. Andros helped her onto her stool and activated it so that it would make the food they wanted. A minute later Andros had the food on the table along with two sodas. He sat down next to Cassie and smiled.

"What?" she asked blushing.

"Nothing I'm just glad you're ok and recovering." he said holding her hand.

"Yah me to." she said "Well how about we eat?"

"Sure." he said.

They picked up there burgers and began eating. Andros was glad to see that she was eating. The pink ranger was very skinny before she was kidnapped (assumed dead) but now she was a stick her clothes were too big for her. Astronima had really starved her the whole month she was a prisoner on her ship. He was even angrier now than ever, and his face was turning a deep red color to match his ranger suit.

"Andros? Andros?" asked Cassie. "Andros! Are you OK?"

"Huh? What?" asked Andros snapping away from his thoughts.

"I said 'are you OK?'" asked Cassie again. She was beginning to worry.

Andros saw the look on her face and said "Oh yah! I'm fine really."

She wasn't too convinced and Andros saw so he said "OK. I was just thinking about her....!" coldly.

She asked confused "Who?"

"Astronima!" he said beginning to shout. "I hate HER!"

"Andros! Calm down, your beginning to scare me! Stop it!" she said getting up from her seat to go to him. But the screaming and yelling had taken so much from her she collapsed to the ground and fainted.

"CASSIE!" yelled Andros as he tried to catch her but he was to late she had hit the ground. He ran to her side and picked her head off the ground and shook her saying "Cassie! CASSIE! Can you hear me?"

She didn't respond he picked her up and ran her to the medical bay while thinking "This is all MY fault! I should have listened to her. I should have stopped when she said to. Now just look at what I'VE done!"

By that time his friends had joined him running to the medical bay. D.E.C.A. had called them and said Cassie was hurt and that she had fainted when she collapsed to the ground in the Exit Bay. Also saying that Andros was rushing her to the Medical Bay.

They ran when they heard the news. Zhane rushed to Andros' side and asked "What happened!"

Andros laid Cassie down on the Medical Bed and looked at his friends ashamed and told them what happened. "I was yelling on and on about Astronima saying that I hate her. Cassie yelled at me saying 'Andros! Calm down, your beginning to scare me! Stop it!' and got up to come to me and collapsed to the ground and fainted."

His friends were looking at him in disbelief and Andros said "God! This is all my fault I should have listened to her and shut up. Why didn't I see that I was scaring her? Why did I let her get up? Why was I yelling at all?"

"Andros?" asked a soft familiar voice Andros turned around and saw Cassie looking up at him.

"Cassie!" he said rushing to sit down in the chair by the bed. "You're OK! I am soooo sorry about this. Please forgive me? I didn't mean to...."

Cassie stopped him mid-sentence by putting a finger to his lips and going "Shhhh! It's OK. You didn't do this I was just a little overwhelmed that's all. You were just scaring me at how you were talking. Astronima is your sister. You CAN'T hate her."

"Yes I can, and I DO! Look at what she did to you." he said looking away. "She is NO sister of mine."

"Andros look at me. LOOK AT ME!" she said and he turned to her. "That is NOT really her she is being controlled by Dark Specter. She is NOT the doing this. And YOU of all people should know that you and Zhane saw that and I did to when I was on her ship. You love her. She is still the same old Karone but doesn't know it because of that wire that is connected to her brain controlling EVERY thought and move of hers. She cannot control what she does. I forgive her because it wasn't Karone torturing me it was Astronima. We WILL get her (Karone) back Andros I promise you."

Andros looked at her in disbelief she was right how could he not have seen that before? Why did Cassie have to tell him for him to notice. He wasn't mad at his sister he was mad at Astronima not Karone. There is a huge difference between the too.

"Your right Cassie! You are soooo right! Thank you for helping me notice that. We WILL get my sister back if it is the last thing I do!" he said looking at her.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Cassie didn't like the 'If it is the last thing I do!' part she loved him she didn't want to be away from him anymore. She had missed him so much but she loved him so she nodded as well and forced a FAKE smile onto her lips.

He saw this and said "Not that it will be the last thing I do. I will be careful I don't ever want to leave you again or leave you vulnerable to anything I love you Cassie." he smiled at her and kissed her on the lips.

When they pulled away she said "I love you too Andros."

Andros and Cassie: Broken without youWhere stories live. Discover now