Chapter 6: Cassie's Recovery

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Andros is sleeping in the chair next to Cassies' bed with his head resting on the bed next to her hand while still holding it. Alpha comes in quietly as to not wake Andros from hie deams. He new that he was probably happier in his dreams than the real world at this moment. He knew Andros need to sleep seeing as he hadn't gotten much since her dissaperenc when he thought she was dead. Alpha walks to her IV and checks its content. It was still pretty full so he decided to start some test to see how the treatment was going. He checked everything she seemed to be inproving, but just barely. He descided to leave so Andros could be alone with Cassie.

A few hours later Andros wakes up to Cassie sturring in her sleep he runs to the moniters to see what was wrong, he didn't see anything. So he went back to her side and sat down in the chair. At that moment Ashley comes in with a plate of food for Andros.

"Hey Andros you Hungry? I brougt you some breakfest." said Ashley walking in and handing the food to Andros who took it kindly.

"Yah. Thanks Ashley." he said.

"Your welcome Andros. I know your worried about Cassie and knew you wouldnt leave to get even breakfest. So I brought it to you so you wouldnt starve." she said.

"Well that was nice. Thanks! Do you want to stay to? I mean shes your best friend I know your worried about her to." he asked.

"Sure. Why Not!" she said going to his side to sit in the chair next to his.

Andros started eating his breakfest while they talked about Cassie and many other things. After Andros had finished Ashley left with his try and Andros descided to go take a quick shower and clean up a bit. He still need to do his part around the ship.

After his shower he headed to the bridge there he meet his friends.

"Hey what ar eyou doing here souldnt you be with Cassie?" aske TJ.

"No. I still need to do work around here even though Cassie is sick , I am the leader." he said

"Well dont worry about it Andros we got it. Go be with Cassie if you wnat we dont mind. Right guys?" asked Carlos looking at his friends. Ashley and TJ nodded their heads.

"I know you dont but I still have a job to do." said Andros.

Ashley said, "Dont worry about it. Ok just remember Cassie needs you!"

"Yah I know. I'm just gonna run a quick test real quick then I'll go back." he said running to the controls. His friends let him be and to run his test.

"OK finished. I'm going back now." said Andros to his friends a few minutes later. They nod as he leaves the bridge tward the Medical Bay.


Cassie wakes up with a start she had just dreamed of Andros being killed by a monster (the monster he fought to get her back). That dream upset her quite a bit but not as much as finding herself in the medical bay. Why was she here? Was she dead? Where was everyone? Oh Yah!

"Hello?" Cassie called hopeing one of her fellow rangers would hear. No one answerd her so she just got up and as she did fell. She cough herself by grabing the edge of the bed. She staided herself and walked into the hallway.


Andros is walking around the corner and see's Cassie walking up the hall.

"Cassie your up! What are you doing?" he askes running up to her.

"Yah I'm up. I was just looking for you guys. Where were you?" she asked.

"I was at the bridge. Come on I'll take you back to the medical bay and call Alpha to quickly run a test of you." he said picking her up like a bride and takes her to the medical bay.

A few minutes later Alpha was there.

"Alpha can you run a test on Cassie?" he asked.

"Sure thing Andros." he said walking to the moniter.

A few minutes later Alpha had completed the test and said, "Well she is recovering. She is well enough to eat. But not quite ready to fight and train." he said.

"Thats fine. Thanks Alpha." he said as Alpha left.

"Well how about lunch?" he asked her.

"Sure! I'm Starved!" she said laughing.

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