Romeo and Juliet

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Meet Tasha

  It was a Monday morning at Dixie Springs High School and I was half sleep. I worked till 2:30 am last night. When I got to my locker it was a note and a rose taped to it. I was surprised. No one had ever wrote me a love letter! Not even my ex boyfriend of 2 years Latrell. That's who I thought it was, Latrell, running game. The note read :

Hey Tasha, How are you? I hope everything is okay with you. On my side, I'm not so good. You want to know why? Because I don't have you. Because I cant kiss you. Because I cant hold you. Because I cant tell you how much I love you everyday. I seen you last week crying. It killed me. I wanted to run over to you and kill the motherfucker who made you cry! I also wanted to be the one to wipe your tears away. I want to be the man who makes you laugh and cry. I want to be the man you spend the rest of your life with. I want to have kids with you. I want to grow old with you. Lets meet up. I promise I'm not a creepy 45 year old pervert. I'm a 16 year old boy who has fell in love with you. Meet me after school, at the baseball dugout. See you there.


Well, it definitely wasn't Latrell. It was someone new. This love letter was so sweet. All day at school I couldn't concentrate, I just wanted to meet Billy. Who ever that was. After school, I went to the baseball dugout. No one was there. I was about to leave when a baseball player walked up to me. "Tasha?" he said "Billy? You wrote me this note?" I asked "Yeah" I never seen him before. He wasn't ugly or anything but there was one big problem. I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm "Let go of me!" I said "Whats wrong?" He asked "If you haven't noticed the color of my skin and the color of yours while you was watching me .... something is wrong with you." I said "So what you're black and I'm white? You're still beautiful and I want to be with you..... give me a chance " he said. I was going to walk away but that sad pitiful look on his face made me feel for him. "Fine, I guess we can try to talk" I said . At first I thought he was going to talk about country, rock and roll and nascar or stuff like that... but I was wrong.

We sat there for 6 hours talking about everything. I told him about Latrell who broke my heart. I told him about my dreams my future plans. I told him about my drunk father who cant seem to put a beer down and get a job to help my my mother who was working two jobs and going to school. I told him what makes me sad and what makes me happy. He told me the same. He told me how his dad wouldn't care if he had all F'S in school, as long as the baseball team win a game he was happy. He told me about him older brother who died in Iraq. He told me about his little sister who beat cancer twice. He is such a nice person, I fell right back in love with him.

After that, we would meet up every morning at the baseball dugout for at least 10 minutes. Sometimes we would talk, cry on each other shoulders or make out. I loved him. I loved a white boy! Our town is kind of racist. We were dating and no one had to know, no one needed to know. One day Billy invited me to his home to watch netflix and make out. We were in his room with the door closed kissing and rubbing and touching all on each other. He took off his shirt as we continued to make out. Next thing I knew we both were completely naked. I got on top of Billy and kissed him one time. Me and Billy had sex that night. When I woke up, He was already up playing video games. I got up and kissed him on his neck. I put on my bra and one of his big T-Shirts. We played video games together. Then his mother came home. Billy made me hide in his closet . 

"Billy, I thought I heard you talking to someone" she said "No, I wasnt mom" he said "You know your dad doesnt want you to have company during Baseball season" she said sitting down on his bed. She looked to the floor and there were my Victoria secret panties, laying right next to her feet. "Billy, you had a little hooker... in my home? I knew you was talking to someone! Where is she?" she yelled. She started looking under his bed. Then her eyes came to the closet. She slowly opened the closet. When she seen me, she screamed.

"BILLY, WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS MONKEY IN MY HOUSE?" She yelled. I stepped out the closet and said "Excuse me?" I said "We don't like your kind in this house!!" she yelled at me "Billy! Are you going to let her talk to me this way?" I asked him "Damn right he is" she said. Billy walked next to me, held my hand and said "Mom, all these years, I did whatever you told me to. I'm in love with my girlfriend Tasha. That is black. I don't care what you and dad have to say about it. I am going to be with Tasha for the rest of my life" His mom cried out "YOU DON'T CARE THAT I GOT GANG RAPED FOR 3 HOURS BY A GROUP OF NIGGERS?? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!" I stood there in complete shock that she would even say nigga in front of me. "MOM, I'm sorry that happened to you but that has nothing to do with me loving Tasha. I love her dark brown skin and her curly black hair. I am in love. You either accept me and Tasha being together or tonight will be the last night you ever see me" he said. I stood there crying. Shocked that he would even consider cutting off his own mother just to be with me. "GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! YOU AND THAT NIGGER!" she yelled. She fell to the floor. Billy grabbed his things and I got dressed. We was about to leave when billy knelt down and kissed his mother on the cheek and said "I love you mom, but you're real cruel. Its time to move on. You cant keep holding yourself back from happiness." We left.

It was 3:30 AM. I was crying really hard in the car. Billy acted like what just happened didn't happen. Me and Billy went to the baseball dugout to clear our mind. He bawled up in a corner and cried. I went to hold him. He stood up and kissed me very passionately. Then he he pulled out a gun. I asked him what was he doing. He said "We can only be together in heaven" He shot me. I fell to the ground and screamed. I was crying. He stood up above me saying "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" He put the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger. His body laid on top of mine. I yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I tried to crawl from under him but I was too weak. I passed out. When I woke up, I was in a hospital. The nurse told me the baseball coach found us 7:30 in the morning laying in a pool of blood. My mom ran in yelling "She is woke! She is woke" "Whats going on? What happened to Billy?" I asked. "Billy died" she said. I just looked out the window. "You only got grazed. You can get out the hospital tomorrow!" she said. "I need some time alone" I said. Everyone left out the room. I screamed so loud and long. I was angry that Billy shot me, I was sad that Billy shot me, I was sad that Billy died. I got out the bed, my whole body was sore. I walked out the room. "Tasha, you should be in bed" My mom said. "I'm fine!" I yelled. I walked outside in the patient area. I stood over the bridge looking at the man made river below with lots of pretty rocks. My mom followed me but watched me from a distance I got on my knees and prayed to God. I prayed that God would have mercy on Bills soul.

I still dont understand why Bill would do such a crazy thing? Im so hurt. I lost my bestfriend. I lost the boy I loved so much. This really hurts. The idea that he shot me and then killed himself will never sit with me well. I really miss you Billy! Rest In Peace.

With Love.

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