Chapter 13

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About a week went by now and things have been a bit slow. Though due to your boredom, you figured you would speak to Arthur and see if he had something in mind to do or not. Though when you made it to Arthur's tent. You noticed a conflicted look on his face as he held a note in hand and read it intently. He let out a sigh and put the note back down and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Everythin alright?" You asked breaking Arthur out of his thoughts.

"It's nothin..." He grumbled. You forrowed your brows and took a few steps to be closer to you.

"Nothin my ass." You snapped back. "Seriously, Arthur... What's goin on?" You asked and crossed your arms. He debated In thought on if he should tell you what's going on or not. Though he trusted you enough to bring it up.

"It was... It was Mary Linton-"

"The girl you used to be sweet with? What bout her?" You asked.

"Well uh... She needs my help with somethin. And by the sounds of it. It seems important." He said and even trusted you enough to read the letter. You read through it and mentally cringed at her words. You sighed and handed him the letter.

"She's no good for you, Arthur..." You mutter out softly as you leaned against the wooden post by the entrance. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I know she ain't. But as I said... This sounds important." He replied. A silence fell between the two of you.

"So... What's the plan?" You asked pushing off the post and stepping closer to him. He shook his head and shrugged.

"Gonna go and see what she needs then from there, figure out if it's worth my help or not." He replied then look up into your eyes. His blue orbs full of thought and worry and even the slightest but of Anxiety at the mention of Mary being back.

"Then I'll go with you." You stated boldly. His eyes widened and he straightened his back.

"What no-"

"If things go wrong or if you decide it's a smart idea to go back to that girl, I'm going to be there to make sure you don't make that dumb mistake and break your heart again." You cut him off. He fell silent and stood up.

"Fine. But you better keep your mouth shut." He warned and put his hat on. You sigh and shook your head.

"I don't have any fowl intentions against the girl, Arthur. You of all people should know that." You said following him to the horses. Though he kept silent and lead the way to where Mary was staying.


Arthur knocked on the door to the house and a woman with a gun in hand answered the door. "Sorry to disturb miss but uh... Is Mrs. Linton available?" Arthur asked politely. You've never seen Arthur so timid and careful with the way he carried himself. The woman went back in and called for Mary. He held his hands together and glanced down on the wooden floor of the porch. You open your mouth about to ask if he was okay when the door opened again and someone who you assumed Mary to appear causing you to close your mouth.

"Who's this?" She asked gesturing to you. Arthur was about to speak for you though you spoke for yourself.

"I'm (Y/n)(L/n)... It's nice to meet you Mrs. Linton." You said politely as possible. "I'll leave you two be." You added before heading over to your horse. Arthur was astonished by how polite you were to Mary and also how you complied to giving the two some space. Though you listened in on their conversation regardless. Arthur was still bitter about Mary leaving him for another man even even brought up the fact that a man like him isn't enough to marry, yet she still wants him to save her brother, Jamie. There was a moment of silence before Arthur had agreed to help her brother.

"Oh thank you so much Arthur! Once you got him. Meet me at the station in Valentine." She called out as Arthur made way to his horse. He mounted up and so did you and he lead the way to where Jamie may be.

"Everything alright, Arthur?" You asked the man who's been quiet after he accepted Mary's request. The male let out a grunt before speaking.

"It's just... I got over the woman and I coulda sworn she'd be out of my life. Yet she pops up again, her husband died and she's asking me of all people for help." He explained his thoughts.

"Are you saying you have a bad feeling about this?" You asked as you trotted along side him.

"Mary wouldn't have bad intentions, (Y/n). But the fact that she went off to marry and different man then suddenly come back to ask me for help just seems... Odd." He replied. "Never mind it for now. Let's just get this over with and bring her brother back." You sent a nod his way and the rest of the ride went silent.


The ride to the station got on your nerves. It hurt hearing Jamie suggest that Arthur should get back with Mary now that she was available. But it was nice knowing that Arthur wasn't willing to do that and it showed that he finally moved on and that Mary is slowly but surely becoming a distant memory to him. But that didn't stop you from thinking about what would have happened if Arthur did take Jamie's word and go after Mary again. Eventually, you were taken out of your thoughts when you three arrived to the station. Jamie and Mary reunited happily and Arthur went over to join them thus leaving you behind in your own thoughts once again.

"Oh Arthur... Thank you..." Mary said and went for a handshake though Arthur grabbed her bag instead.

"It was good to see you Mary." He said sounding slightly reluctant.

"And you, Arthur." She replied. Placing a hand on her heart. Her and her brother made ways out the door to the train. Arthur following behind and you trailing behind him. Arthur grabbed Mary's hand and helped her up on the train and gave her, her luggage. She went to enter but stopped and turned to Arthur. You were leaned against the wall of the station watching the whole scene unravel before you. And it was a hard scene to take in at that. "I've... Your... Oh you'll never change. I know that..." She muttered. Her expression saddened and Arthur glanced away feeling hurt by her words. She entered the train and it took off quickly leaving Arthur to stand there with an aching heart. You watched him for a few more seconds before pushing off the wall and placing a hand on his shoulder and appearing next to him. His blue eyes trained on the ground beneath him.

"She's wrong, Arthur... You have changed and you've changed for the better believe it or not." You told him softly. He blinked a bit before inhaling and looking up towards the setting sun.

"You know..." He started then turned to look at you. "I feel like... The luckiest man alive and... I feel like a fool." Your brows forrowed confused.


"That woman confuses me and plays me like a fiddle like no one else alive. I told myself not to make a godawful fool of myself again but... I can't help but feel like I will." He cut you off continuing what he was thinking. Your brows knitted more and you tilted your head a little.

"What are you implying, Arthur?" You asked. He looked away from you and fell silent for a moment. "Arthur if your implying that your going to fall for her a-"

"No! No... Thats... That's not what I'm saying..." he exclaimed turning away from you. "I'm just afraid of her getting into my head again and makin myself a fool cause of it." He finished. You let out a sigh and shook your head.

"I'm not going to let that happen to you and you know that. If you need someone to tell you when not to go to Mary like that. Then I'll gladly be that person and you KNOW that." You told him. "I can tell she's a sweet gal but... Like you said, she's been playin with you. You should never go for a girl that like that, Arthur." You added softly. A silence filled the air again and he made his way back into the station.

"Let's just head back to camp..." He muttered our softly. There was a pang in your heart but you followed him none the less but in complete silence. Not wanting Arthur's hurt heart to hurt and ache more then it already does.

"I'm honestly conflicted and probably being an absolute fool. Mary's back and asking for help and (Y/n) tagged along and was helpful through the whole thing. But... I can't help but think about what Jamie said to me nor can I stop thinking about how (Y/n) has been making me feel lately. As I said I'm completely conflicted by this whole thing. Though one thing is for sure, I'm thankful that (Y/n) was kind to my ex lover.
         ~Arthur Morgan"

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