Chapter 38

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"Well what good is that to me? We got three horses lost, possibly more, a mare about to foal..." Mr. Geddes ranted out as you and John just so happen to be walking by.

"Sir-" Abe tried to interject.

"And no hands to help with any of it. I'm supposed to be heading into town, this place us chaos." The boss continued.

"Hey Pa!" Mr. Geddes son called out. "Can I get some help? Pa!"

"Milton, McCain. Are any of you good with horses?" Geddes pointed to John.

"I'm okay." John replied truthfully.

"I'd say I can handle 'em pretty good." You spoke up.

"Alright. Can you help my boy, my youngest, Duncan, McCain? He will insist on riding Jeremiah a horse that is far too strong for him..."

"Sure thing." You replied.

"And my wife will need help with this mare. Milton, could you go and help her with that?" He asked and got up on his horse. "Abe."

"Sir." Abe replied attentively. "You and Dickens better not make any more mistakes like you did today, you hear?"

"No sir."

"Thank you. The three of you." And with that he rode off and Abe began leading you and John.

"We're good. You get on, go find them horses." John urged.

"No, no, no, I'll show you. Since you showed up, runaway horses been the sum of our problems, and I am thankful for that.

"I ain't done too much..." John replied bashfully. It made you wonder what he did when he first came here. "I ain't much of a rancher."

"Aw heck. Hey, maybe them Laramie boys weren't so tough after all, hm? Maybe I could'a handled 'em."

"Of course you could. They're just loud mouths. So, uh... Is that what the boss is doing in town? Some business with the boys, or something?"

"When Mr. Geddes goes into town... Well, it ain't exactly for... Business." You scrunched your nose a little at this but said nothing.

"Oh, uh... Okay then."

"I'm gonna go help the boy now." You excused yourself and went over to the boy who was currently struggling with Jeremiah the horse. "Hey, Duncan, right? I'm (fake name) McCain. Need a little help there?" You called out to the boy sweetly.

"No." Duncan replied defensively. The horse went up on its back legs and let out a loud neigh. Causing you to back up a bit and Duncan to stumbled back.

"You sure about that?" You asked teasingly.

"Okay maybe..." He muttered out. Cheeks pink with embarrassment.

"He's a pretty big guy. And a handsome horse at that too." You say and raised your hands up carefully and tried to calm the horse down.

"That's Jeremiah." Duncan had informed you.

"Alright. Easy boy... Easy Jeremiah." You spoke softly to the horse who seemed to slowly calm down. You went over to him and pat him gently. "Easy boy, easy. I ain't gonna hurt ya." Duncan watched in amazement.

"He likes you." He blurted out.

"Well. I ain't to sure about that but... I'll have him respect me in no time." You replied as you continued to pet the jet black horse.

"Can't you teach me how to make him behave?" The boy asked you in a desperate tone.

"As far as I know. I ain't got no other job to do. So... sure. Don't see why not."

World Is A Cruel Place (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now