Chapter 24

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"Looking dapper there, Arthur." You point out as you ride alongside Arthur. The whole gang was setting out to rob the bank in Saint Denis. Though your gut told you that something bad might happen but you brushed it off for the mean time.

"You're looking good yourself there, (Y/n)." Arthur replied with a smirk. You sent him a smile.

"Why thank you, Mr. Morgan." You moved your attention to Dutch who spoke up.

"This is it, gentlemen. The last one." He called out. Though you truthfully had a feeling that it wasn't.

"Where have we heard that before?" John piped up. He wasn't wrong. Dutch had said something along the lines of this before and it didn't end too well. Though you held your tongue and listened in.

"What has happened to you, John? You lost all your heart." Dutch had shot him down immediately.

"I'm just trying to stay real about all this."

""Real", Oh, how I detest that word. So devoid of imagination." Dutches words made your brow raise. You glanced to Arthur who gave you a 'told you so' look.

"How soon are we shipping out?" Bill asked.

"Soon as we get a passage organized." Replied Dutch. "Boat down to Argentina and another round the cape."

"What about the money in Blackwater? We're just gonna leave that behind?" Bill made a good point about that.

"For get that, it's gone. You won't talk like it's the only goddamn money in the world. We're gonna take that and more. Take it from the people who take it from us. This isn't some hick town, hundred dollar operation. This is a big city bank!"

"Right. With security, guards, police." John had pointed out. You and Arthur remaining silent though listening to all of this... It just made you think it was yet again another sloppy plan that'll lead to chaos. More importantly... This just seems like a Blackwater part two just waiting to happen.

"Hosea has done his reconnaissance, we've been over this. The plan. One last time." Dutch began getting irritated. "Hosea and Abigail draw out the police, we go in calm and fast. John and Lenny, secure the front doors. Javier take the side exit. Bill, Micah and Charles, control the crowd. Me, Arthur and (Y/n) deal with the bank manager and vault. Got it?" The whole idea of having Micah deal with the crowd didn't seem like that great of an idea. Maybe this is why you had such a bad feeling.

"Got it." You and Arthur called out.

"Yep." Lenny

"Got it!" Hosea

"Good. Alright, that's enough talk. Let's get this done." Dutch demanded.

"Gentlemen. Let us go ahead." Hosea called out.

"How long do ya need?"

"Not long. Fifteen minutes or less. You'll know by the noise. Any problems, we'll see you in camp."

"Good luck gentlemen, (Y/n)!" Abigail called out.

"Ride on!" Dutch commanded and sped up a little. "Everybody know the drill. We head in hard and stay calm. They won't be expecting us. Any minor trouble, head back to camp. We'll leave in a few days. You good, Bill?"

"Sure" the bearded man replied.

"Then ride on with Charles. We don't want to be seen heading in like some posse of country outlaws." Arthur commanded.

"This is it, cowboys! One more time!" Dutch yelled. Arthur let out a sigh of defeat.

"One more time..." He muttered. You glanced over to him to see the annoyed look on him. You let out a sigh and continued onward.

World Is A Cruel Place (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now