Chapter 7

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"We were told the council put this matter down its list of priorities," Erza stated. "While I do not mind turning these criminals over to you, may I ask why you are here?"

"We received a report from a Mr. Sharazan about this village. While we were not able to jump on it immediately, rest assured we were dispatched to deal with it."

Erza nodded. "That is our client's name. He was worried about his parents and hired our guild to take care of it."

"We appreciate your hard work," the leader told her, "but we can take custody from here. You have our thanks."

"Well, that was easier than I thought," Gray muttered as they walked away from the village, gathering their things from where they had hid them on the outskirts. "Glad to know we're doing the council's work for them!"

"Now, Gray," Erza shushed him. "You know the council's not what it once was. I'm sure they're grateful we did one of their jobs and we are getting paid for it. Fairy Tail is not seen as the troublemaking guild it once was - or at least not in their eyes."

Lucy nodded. "As long as we have allies in the council, Fairy Tail gets the respect it deserves!" She picked up her pack, wishing they weren't making the trip back just yet. She could use a bit of rest. Juvia notice how sluggish Lucy seemed to be moving and felt they could all use a break.

"How about we stop for a snack before moving on?" she suggested. "Juvia is feeling a bit weak after the battle and needs nourishment."

Lucy shot Juvia a grateful glance, glad she wasn't the only one feeling that way. They rested for a bit, reviewing the fight and the council, until Erza declared it was time to go. "Maybe we can stop by the beach in the morning before heading out," she said with a smile directed at Lucy. Glancing up at the sky, she told the others, "I think we may have to use some of our reward for rooms tonight."

They collected their reward and Lucy stroked the key lovingly, anxious to make a contract with her new spirit, Lupus. As the others rested in their rooms, Lucy opened up the gate, pleased to see a wolf emerge. He bowed, bending his two front legs, then transformed into a human with long, shaggy gray hair.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Lucy," he said in a gruff voice. "I have heard much about you from the other spirits. I am happy you are the one who received my key. How many I service you?"

They made a contract and Lucy dismissed Lupine, as he preferred to be called. She felt dizzy, knowing she should have waited to meet her new spirit until her magic had replenished. She made her way over to her bed and fell into a deep sleep.

It was an odd combination of dreams - dragons, wolves, a man with red eyes. Lucy couldn't remember much when she awoke, but the images played around in her brain for a few moments. She glanced outside, surprised to see the early morning light. She had slept through dinner, apparently. Her stomach rumbled and churned, and Lucy immediately frowned. This was getting to be a little much - three days in a row? She'd had to talk to Wendy when she got back from her time with Chelia, just to make sure she hadn't caught anything. Fortunately she had brought crackers with her on the trip and slipped them out of her bag, munching on a few before feeling a bit better. Maybe it was just because she skipped dinner. Getting up, she showered and dressed, wondering if they would still be going to the beach. She thought about buying a swimsuit, then wondered if she could just transform into her Aquarius star dress and save herself some money. Would that be fair?

Since she was in her Aquarius form, she and Juvia had fun playing in the water, manipulating it to their will. Juvia taught Lucy some spells which she was surprised to find she could do in her Aquarius form. Not as powerfully as Juvia, but it was nice to know she could work on it.

All too soon, they left the beach, changed, and headed for Magnolia. All in all, it had been a nice trip with the added bonus of earning a bit of money and for Lucy, a new spirit.

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