Chapter 14

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"So when do they learn to change themselves?" Gajeel asked, wrinkling his nose, as he watched Levy change Austin's diaper. "I'm not sure if I can deal with this everyday. I mean, what's she feeding this kid?"

Levy giggled at Gajeel's expression. "I think you'll feel differently when it's one of your own," she told him. She and Gajeel had decided to try getting pregnant, but no luck yet. Levy imagined a son or daughter close enough to Austin's age so that they could play together. Wouldn't it be wonderful if she and Lu had children around the same age?

"What's with that goofy look on your face? Did the fumes get to ya?" asked Gajeel, throwing away the used diaper and wishing it good riddance. There had to be a magical way to change babies or at least potty train them!

"No, just thinking it would be nice if Lu and I had children around the same age," Levy sighed.

"Well, it's not for lack of trying," Gajeel grinned. "Speaking of which, once we hand the kid back, why don't we get on that?"

Levy blushed. "Not in front of the baby!" she scolded.

"Like he knows what we're talking about," Gajeel muttered, but followed Levy out of the room. They were heading for the guild hall where they would meet Bunny Girl to take the kid back. He had to admit - he liked the kid. It was a brave thing. Gajeel had tried what he thought was his meanest scowl and the kid had grabbed his finger and laughed at him! That took some guts! Of course, Levy had scolded him afterwards for it, but Gajeel only hoped his own kid would be like that. Well, of course it would! It would be HIS kid, right?

Austin was now six months old and Lucy had warned Levy he seemed ready to crawl any day now! He was able to get up on all fours and he would rock back and forth, but never seemed to get the "move forward" with his chunky legs. Lucy swore it would be soon.

The guild was almost empty when they arrived. Most members were out on jobs or just hanging out around town. The weather was nice for May and the Redfoxes had enjoyed their walk to the guild. They played quietly with Austin at one of the tables, playing peek-a-boo and such. Austin had a stuffed ram he liked to play with - a gift from Aries - and his latest game was throwing it at Gajeel, and then laugh as if it was the funniest thing he'd ever done.

The door slammed against the wall, making them all jump. Thinking a gust of wind had done it, the few mages who were there went back to what they were doing. Mira was leaning against the bar, watching little Austin play with his Uncle Gajeel when she felt a familiar presence. Looking up, she saw a cloaked man enter the guild. Thinking he was from one of the other guilds, she smiled brightly and asked, "Can I help you?"

"Mira," a rough voice came from beneath the hood. "You don't recognize me?"

Throwing the hood back, she gave a squeak of shock when she saw the familiar salmon hair and toothy grin.

"Natsu?" she yelped, not sure if she wanted to hug him or hit him as he came closer to her. A blue blur followed him in and settled on the bar.

"Natsu," fussed Happy, "why didn't you wait for me? I told you I had to buy a fish!" He took a large bite out of the fish he was holding and glared at the dragon slayer.

Mira quickly glanced over at Gajeel and Levy, who sat in shock, looking at Natsu. It was only when Austin threw his stuffed ram at Gajeel and hit him on the nose, did it seem to wake them up.

"N-Natsu, it's been awhile," Mira said, trying to remain calm. She grabbed hold of her skirt with both hands so she wouldn't slug him. "Where have you been?"

His grin slowly faded. "I had some things to take care of, so I went to train."

"Is, um, is everything better now?" she asked.

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