Chapter 13

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Lucy was grateful for her friends and guildmates for their help during Austin's first three months. No one said motherhood was easy but boy was it tiring! She thought with a smile. The smile faded when she thought about what had happened a year ago this month. Natsu had said he'd be gone for a year's time to train. The year was up this month. She had avoided thinking about seeing him again, this time with their son. Then again, maybe she could avoid letting him know that?

She looked down at the now four month old Austin who was sleeping in his crib. His blonde hair, like his mother's, had grown in and other than his eyes, he looked like her. No one knowing Natsu could not recognize the shape and color of her son's eyes. She sighed. It was to be expected - Natsu was the father. Maybe he'd still be dense enough not to recognize himself in his son.

Lucy walked quietly over to the kitchen to prepare Austin's lunch. She had begun weaning him and he seemed to enjoy the pureed food she gave him. In fact, he hadn't rejected one kind yet! Bisca had warned her - Asuka had often held it in her mouth and spit it out at one of her parents if she didn't like something, thinking it funny. While Austin had his own personality, he was a pretty easy going baby, which Lucy thanked her lucky stars for. Speaking of stars, her spirits often like to visit with Austin. Since she wasn't going out on jobs right now - although that would have to start again soon - she often called them to visit. Lyra, especially, had come in handy to soothe Austin on his fussier nights with her singing.

As Lucy finished mixing Austin's food, she heard him stir in his crib. Smiling, she went to fetch him so she could change him and feed him lunch. He finally had gotten on a schedule. She was so grateful for Bisca and all her advice!

As she spoon fed Austin his lunch, she glanced down at herself and grimaced. While she wasn't the "fat cow" she had been while pregnant, her body hadn't exactly snapped back to where it was. Virgo had started an exercise program with her and had her doing crunches and jogging in place, among other things. It also helped her get in shape to go out on missions. Although she hated to leave Austin, she knew financially she would need to do so soon.

Cleaning Austin up - and herself - she got the two of them ready to go to the guild. As usual, as soon as she got there, Austin was swept up by one of his adoring fans.

"Hey there, Austin! It's Uncle Gray! Are you driving your Mommy crazy today? Huh, big guy?"

It was the sweetest side to Gray she'd ever seen and Juvia had confessed to Lucy that Gray had started talking about the two of them starting a family. In fact, it was like Austin had started a baby craze in the guild. Even Bisca and Alzack were talking about another one! Lucy watched as Master Makarov swooped Austin away from Gray. He was enjoying this "next generation" and was just as pleased to hear his other "children" talking about starting families.

"So, Lucy, you want to start small," Bisca was telling her. "Your body's not used to what it was. Build your strength back up and you can start hitting the big guns again," she laughed.

"Lucy, I was wondering if I could babysit Austin when you go on a job," Wendy stated shyly. "Bisca and Asuka would help me of course," she added hurriedly, "until I can do it on my own, but I'd love to help you out!"

"Of course, Wendy," smiled Lucy, giving her a hug.

A cough sounded near here, and she turned to see Gajeel and Levy standing near her. Was Gajeel blushing? "Listen, Bunny Girl, the Shrimp here would like some practice so you know, you can leave the kid with us anytime."

Lucy grinned at Gajeel's discomfort. "Thanks, I'll remember that," she told them. Obviously, she would not have a shortage of babysitters!

"Hey, Lu, I was wondering if you wanted to go on your first job back with me?" Levy asked. "It's been awhile and I think we'd have fun."

"I'd love to, Lev!" Lucy said, and the two walked over to the job board together.

"I have to admit, I don't want to leave Austin, but the funds are getting low," sighed Lucy. It was hard raising a child on just one parent's income. While the other couples were making their plans for a family, Lucy knew it would be easier on them - the guys could still work even while the girls took care of the child. A sigh escaped her lips. She was a little envious of that fact.

"Master," Mira approached the old man cautiously, making sure they would not be overheard. "Have you heard from Natsu and when he'll be returning?"

Even after the pregnancy reveal, the Master had stayed tight lipped about Natsu and his location. Mira wasn't even sure if he'd say anything now.

Makarov sighed. "I haven't heard anything. I used to get regular reports from Happy but I haven't heard anything in months."

Mira started. "You didn't tell him, did you?" she asked, breathless.

He shook his head. "It was not my place to. He has his own issues he's dealing with right now. I would not add on to that burden, nor would I do it without Lucy's consent."

Mira let out the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. "Good," she said. "If you hear anything, though, you might want to give Lucy a heads up."

He only nodded in response and closed his eyes, which Mira knew meant the conversation was over. She watched as Lucy claimed her baby back and smiled at the expression on the young mother's face.

"I wonder what the master meant, his own issues," she muttered softly. Did it have something to do with why he pushed Lucy away? Mira had never bought the story that she wasn't his true mate. No, something had happened that Natsu, trying to protect Lucy, had pushed her away, and then he had left to deal with it. He was doing it to protect her, she believed, although it had taken awhile for her to work through her anger towards him to come to this conclusion. This was Natsu - he was never necessarily cruel and never to Lucy! Would he have these "issues" resolved and come back home, win Lucy over, and they could become a family? Would Austin bring the two of them back together? She had to wonder.

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