Chapter 10

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"Open! Gate of the Wolf! Lupus!" Lucy called, summoning her newest spirit. She then held her second key, changing into her Taurus star dress.

Her team was in the middle of a battle. Lucy was determined to do as many high paying jobs as possible to save up for the time she couldn't due to the baby. Of course the team probably thought she wanted to go on so many missions because it helped her keep her mind occupied, and they were partially correct.

Completing their job, they collected their reward and started home. "Lucy, your wolf is amazing!" Wendy gushed, continuing on to talk about how she saw him in battle.

As the two drifted back from the others walking back towards Magnolia, Wendy leaned closer to Lucy and whispered, "Are you okay? You're not overdoing it, are you?"

Lucy had been seeing Porlyusica and Wendy for her prenatal care. Wendy had been excited while Porlyusica had been her usual sour self. They were an interesting combination, but you could tell the older woman really cared for Wendy. When she thought no one was looking, she'd glance at Wendy affectionately or after Wendy had solved a complicated question, she'd have a proud look in her eyes.

In her fifth month, a slight baby bump had developed on her lower abdomen and Lucy was able to hide it with her high waisted outfits. She had been a little concerned she wasn't any bigger, but Porlyusica had assured her that because of her normal size and fitness level, this was to be expected. However, her appetite had increased and Gray, of all people, had noticed and began teasing her about it. She had playfully smacked him away and told him since she was working out more and using more magic, of course she was hungrier!

The weird cravings started in her sixth month. By then, with her eating and her baby's development, she had grown to the point that she could no longer wear her clothes with her abdomen exposed. At some point soon, she knew, she'd have to announce her news to the guild.

Still, she was cleared to go on missions until her seventh month. Wendy would only let her do local, small missions then, but by that time, Lucy had saved enough money she had her rent covered for the next six months. It was in the beginning of her seventh month that she could hide her secret no longer.

She knew there had been talk about her "gaining weight," but of course, no one had the nerve to mention it to her! The mood swings she'd been going through had frightened some away. Although she tried to hide it, her angry and sad moods were her the hardest and she had snapped quite a few heads off in her frustration.

She told her small group of friends first, knowing they would be upset she had held the secret this long. As usual, they were only concerned about how she felt about it.

"I am happy about it," she told them with a teary smile. "I am! I can't wait to meet my little Heartfilia when he or she gets here," she told them. They noticed she didn't mention the father's name, although they could all guess who it was.

Gray's fist clenched as he thought about Natsu leaving Lucy in this condition. Granted, he didn't know, but he could've done something to prevent it! I mean, Levy wasn't pregnant and she and Gajeel had been shacked up as long as Natsu and Lucy were! Now the idiot flame jerk was out there somewhere, not taking responsibility for his child! He kept his thoughts to himself, though, not wanting to ruin Lucy's mood, although he mentioned it to Juvia later, who agreed with him.

The next day, with Mira's help, she made a public announcement to the guild.

"I know it's easy to eat too much of Mira's wonderful food and get fat, but I hate to disappoint you - that's not my problem. In November, we'll have a new little addition to the guild. I want you to celebrate with me then on the birth of baby Heartfilia!"

There was a stunned silence followed by a loud cheer as everyone toasted to Lucy and the "little Heartfilia." If in any private conversations, the question of the father arose, the speakers found themselves on the receiving end of a murderous glare from either Erza or Mira, which quickly shut them up.

It was in Lucy's eighth month that she started to have that miserable, "fat as a cow and as helpless as one" feeling. While the anticipation of her baby would end soon, Lucy was miserable. She felt she lumbered everywhere, her stomach having enlarged overnight it seemed, and was bored to tears. Wendy had nixed any missions so all Lucy did was either hang out at the guild or at her apartment. She had read her baby book cover to cover and had discussed everything with Levy, Wendy, and Mira. She knew she needed to decorate the spot she had designated as a nursery at her apartment but the fatigue had set in and she was having a hard time getting motivated. Where was this "nesting" phase the book had discussed, where she felt the need to clean and get ready?

"I think Lucy needs a baby shower," Mira whispered one day to her sister, Lisanna.

Bisca, sitting nearby and the resident expert on childbirth, nodded. "Yep, she's at the stage where you feel like a worthless fat cow. And she's a mite tired," she added, looking over to the blonde who now had her head on the table, asleep. "I think a baby shower would be good, as well as helping her set up her nursery."

So plans were made for a surprise shower, threats being made of anyone who spilled the news to Lucy. It was Levy's job to keep the girl distracted and out of the guild so they could prepare the next day.

"So, Lu, how about we go to that coffee shop? The one across from the bookstore? I hear they have a new menu!" Levy cajolled, trying to get Lucy up and out of the apartment. Although the party would be held at the guild, Levy knew she had to get her friend up and dressed.

"I don't know," Lucy began, yawning. "I think I might just hibernate until 'little H' decides to show up," she said.

"Oh, come on! I hear they have milkshakes with hot sauce," Levy grinned, knowing that was one of Lucy's recent cravings. It worked. Lucy's head shot up and she returned Levy's smile.

"Okay, you got me. I hope they have wings, too," she sighed, changing clothes and brushing her hair.

Levy shook her head. "I wonder if anyone has done a scientific study on cravings you get when you're pregnant. It makes me wonder what I'll crave," she sighed.

"Are you and Gajeel thinking of having a baby?" Lucy asked, eyes wide, staring at her friend with the brush paused in the air.

Levy blushed. "Well, it's not out of the question. I'd like to be a little more established with him before starting a family," she began, then slapped her hand over her mouth. "I didn't mean . . . " she began.

Lucy shook her head, finishing brushing her hair. "I didn't take it that way, don't worry. I know my situation is a bit unusual, but I'm okay with it."

"You ready to go then?" asked Levy, studying her friend to make sure she was all right. Although all her friends were planning on helping with the baby - Bisca had warned them how much work a baby really was - Levy knew it wasn't a substitute for a parent.

They made their way to the cafe and Lucy chatted happily with Levy. "I don't think I want a milkshake after all," she said. "However, if they don't have wings, I want some of that dip they had before."

Lucy sighed, looking down at herself. "I guess I better enjoy eating like this now. It's going to be carrot sticks and water after the baby is born."

"Hey, don't be down on yourself - diet and exercise," Levy told her. They entered the cafe and began to look through the menu.

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