Chapter 17

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"You sure you're going to be okay?"

"For the last time, Loke, yes! I'll be fine!" Lucy gritted her teeth. She loved her spirits, but sometimes they cared a little too much about her!

He held his hands up. "Okay, okay, I get it! Just call if you need us!" Saying that, he poofed away.

"We'll be okay, right big boy?" Lucy picked up Austin who had been playing on the blanket she had spread out and snuggled him to her. He giggled and grabbed for a strand of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail. She had taken to wearing her hair either up or back due to Austin's tendency to want to play with it.

She distracted him by giving him the ram Aries had made him. Giggling, he grabbed it and sat in his mother's lap, playing with it.

Natsu watched the interchange from the shadows. His heart was beating a million miles a minute, he guessed. Never had he felt so nervous before!

"Buddy, it'll be okay," Happy landed on his shoulder and patted his head. He could tell how nervous Natsu was. "However, it's a bit creepy watching her, so why don't we let her know we're here?"

Natsu swallowed, nodded, and stepped forward. Somehow he made his way over to Lucy and looked down at her and the boy. His son. When Lucy's eyes met his, he felt his knees weaken.

"Can I, um, can I sit down?" he managed to get out.

Lucy couldn't speak. This Natsu standing in front of her looked nothing like the cocky smartass she had known. Was he really as nervous as she was? She gestured, and he sat on the edge of the blanket. Happy looked from one to the other and inwardly groaned. They couldn't even talk to one another!

She finally found her voice. "Austin," she whispered, then cleared her throat and tried again. "Austin, this is your father." She picked him up and looked at Natsu. "Um, Natsu, this is Austin Jude Heartfilia. Our son."

Natsu just stared at the two of them until Happy hit him on the arm. "Uh, hi!" he finally said, waving at Austin. Happy smacked his face with his paw.

Austin giggled, then held out his arms to Natsu. "Do you want to hold him?" asked Lucy nervously.

"I don't know if I know how," Natsu said nervously. "What if I drop him?"

Lucy cracked a small smile. "Are you saying the great fire dragon slayer is scared of a baby?" At his widened eyes, she gave a small laugh. "Let me show you." She set Austin down for a moment, then moved closer to Natsu. She took his arms and moved them to a cradling position. "It's kind of like holding Happy." After positioning his arms, she picked up Austin, who was currently chewing on his ram, and placed him in Natsu's arms.

Natsu stiffened, looking down into Austin's upturned face. Father and son studied one another. Austin giggled and reached for Natsu's face, grabbing his chin. His hand pat his chin, but then Austin spied Natsu's shaggy hair and grabbed a tuft and pulled.

"Ouch!" Natsu chuckled. "You're a strong little guy, aren't you?"

Lucy felt breathless looking at the two of them together. She could tell Natsu was slowly relaxing around Austin, and her son seemed fascinated with his father. She placed her hand on her chest, her heart beating so hard it actually hurt. Why was she still so nervous?

"Luce." At the sound of her name, she looked up at Natsu. "He's wonderful!" He looked back down at Austin and grinned.

Happy looked from one to the other and sighed. Okay, Natsu was used to the whole kid thing. What about the two of them? He thought about the advice Mira had given him.

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