Chapter 11

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At the guild, Mira had everything almost perfect. Well, it would be if Erza would get out of the way, she thought. Everytime she hung something, Erza found fault with it. Mira was ready to beat her down, but fortunately her sister could read her perfectly and decided Mira needed to work on the food for the party, directing her to the kitchen.

"Whew! I thought they were going to brawl there for a minute!" Cana exclaimed, taking a long drink. "Imagine what kind of party that would be! Poor Lucy!"

Juvia nodded. "Juvia thinks the party is just what Lucy needs to feel better."

"So Juvia, when are you and Gray going to be preggers?" teased Cana, timing her question so that Gray was walking by when she asked. She was amused by the matching red faces. "You can't tell me you haven't thought of it! I think even Levy and Gajeel are talking about babies!"

"Shut up, Cana," muttered Gray, walking past her and ignoring the swooning Juvia, who was imagining her future babies with Gray.

"There! I think everything is perfect," Erza nodded, looking around at the decorations in the guild hall. "Now all we need is our guest of honor." She straightened the bow on the crib that Alzack had built for Lucy.

As if on cue, Carla came flying into the guild hall. "They're on their way!" she exclaimed, and everyone went to their places.

The doors opened and Levy led a blindfolded Lucy into the hall. "No peeking!" she teased.

"Levy, what on earth? Why do I have to wear this?" muttered Lucy. "Have you lost your mind?"

Levy took off her blindfold with a flourish and everyone yelled "Surprise!" at a rapidly blinking Lucy, who looked around her, amazed.

There were pink and blue streamers everywhere. On the stage was a crib with a large bow as well as some other baby things. A large cake was placed on the bar. Tears started to stream down her face. She was so grateful to have such a wonderful, caring family!

"Hey, no waterworks today! It's all about celebrating you and little H!" Erza declared, her arms making a wide sweeping gesture.

"Yeah! Let's party!" shouted Cana, and magical streamers popped from mid air.

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