Chapter 18

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One Year Later:

"So is Natsu all moved in with Lucy and Austin?" Mira asked Happy as he settled on the bar with a fish in his hand.

"Yep," the exceed replied between bites. "Man, I thought it would never happen! I've never seen two people be so awkward with each other. It took awhile but they finally came around and now look at the little family." He grinned at Mira. "Thanks for all the advice."

She mirrored his grin. "I'm just glad it all has a happy ending. Natsu had to do some groveling for awhile, but Austin's love for his daddy sure helped move things along!" She winked at Happy. "You think Austin might have a little brother or sister along the way?"

Happy shrugged. "I don't know! Want me to start dropping hints?"

Mira grinned. "Just leave it to me."

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