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Trigger warning: mentions of suicide, and attempt of it.


(Y/n)= your name          (f/c)= favorite color

(L/n)= last name           (e/c)= eye color

(s/c)= skin color            (h/c)= hair color


        Being the Third-in-Command was one thing; the Surveillance Lieutenant, another; then the Communications Officer-- all different positions of different functions; yet, they were all being held by one Cybertronian. While it may be true that piles of responsibilities were loaded onto one Decepticon, the mech has grown used to it. Indifferent. Passive. A daily task of no significance.

Soundwave carried the weight of it all without complaints.

Known to be one of the most loyal followers of the Decepticon leader, Megatron, it was to be expected. His attention was divided equally among each role, not failing to capture the slightest of details of the things he can watch and hear, and occasionally, do. He doesn't plan to have his performance falter. And as of the moment, his task as the Surveillance Lieutenant was never more crucial compared to before.

After some past recent events, the former, or perhaps current, rogue Decepticon's loyalty was falling into question on whether she has her spark for the Decepticons' cause... or for her selfish interests.

That's why when Airachnid decided to "go get some fresh air", Soundwave followed his own protocol to spy on the growingly suspicious femme by sending his drone, Laserbeak, as to while he had to attend to a fieldwork that requires him to retrieve a relic from the coordinates he recently decoded.

As soon as Airachnid's alt mode left the ship's deck, Laserbeak went in pursuit behind her, making sure to keep itself from her detection by staying out of sight without straying too far. Designed to be an exceptional spy, the drone would most likely succeed.

That is, of course, if the spider-like Cybertronian was not aware of it... yet.


This was it.

It's now the end of the line for you.

Standing on the tallest cliff you've found so far, you looked down fearlessly, confirming to yourself that perhaps this height was enough to surely kill you instantly as long as you dove headfirst. The few spiky red crystals down below should be able to impale you from the acceleration of your free fall, if the height wasn't enough to kill you. You didn't even bother going down to test the fragility of the crystals or find out whatever those crystals were. You just wanted to get this over with.

"Okay, I don't have much final words left to say. Hell, I don't even know whom my last words are for." You uttered to yourself, convincing yourself that your words held meaning to no one-- heard or not. Like your words, you were insignificant, at least to yourself.

After all, no one would seem to miss you.

Just as you were about to jump, a gust of unnatural wind blew past you, causing for you to pause and look for the one responsible of interrupting your final moments.

A helicopter.

The air vehicle swiftly dove down towards the red crystals, ignoring your presence in the process, and after it came a bird-like machine, seeming to tail after the helicopter. The drone then followed the dive.

Curious, you spied from the end of the rocky cliff, trying to spot the two flying machines. The bird one was slowly descending, as to while the helicopter was nowhere in sight. You can only conclude that the helicopter hid from the drone, therefore, you can say that they weren't affiliated with each other. But then, how the hell did a speed-limited helicopter escape from the speed of a freer-moving drone?

Suddenly, a giant black and magenta blur took the off-guard drone by surprise-- the attacker was a giant robot!

Your (e/c) eyes widened, now invested at the unprecedented turn of events.

The bird-like machine tried to struggle from the robot's grasp, as the assailant tried holding it down. Now that it was a bit idle, you managed to take in some of its details. It has a build familiar to a spider-- that's all you can make out from the height you're on.

"Hold still, you--" You managed to hear from the prodigious machine. The bird-like drone shot out a red beam, causing for the spider robot to be forced to loosen its grip over the flying contraption. "Not this time..!" However, almost instantly, it recovered and used the rest of its remaining strength to tear the wings off the drone.

A signal of panic was sent.

Finally, as if to put the drone out of its misery, the spider robot finished it once and for all by stabbing it with one of its legs' claws, ending its struggle. And thus, it concluded the fight; a clear victor.

The battle has ended.

And so did a life.

As much as you hoped to be, that life wasn't yours.

Hastily, the shape-shifting helicopter gathered all the red crystals by lifting the stone that contained them all and exited the scene by drilling through the ground it was once standing on, leaving a no-longer moving drone and a recently dug-out hole.

"Sorry for your loss, lil' dude." You sympathized. "But I guess I'll be joining you real soon." You somewhat found comfort at the thought that you have a mere connection with someone or something through death. Even if it were a non-sentient robot. At least it was something.

At least you weren't alone.

And with that, you closed your eyes and jumped, awaiting your desired fate.

You waited...

And waited...

Then finally, thud!

Disappointingly, you fluttered your eyes open, only to sense the unrelenting heat of the sun mocking you that you could still feel; that you were still warm; that you were still alive!

Angrily, you seethed, then calmed yourself, tuning back to your mellow mood.

Of course. Who were you fooling? This wasn't your first attempt.

You tried hanging and drowning. You tried being run over by a truck. Hell, you even tried shooting yourself in the head. And yet, no desirable results on your end.

You were practically invincible... against your own will, unfortunately.

"I just can't fucking die, now, can I?" You muttered to yourself before looking beside you, the drone still unmoving.

This was hopeless...


Ah, I've finally done it! A Soundwave x Reader fic! I can't wait to slowly spill secrets through each chapter when given the chance. Hope you guys enjoy it ^^ I'll try to update within every two weeks.

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