Chapter 5

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        You hadn't eaten nor drunk anything for a year... Years..?

Or maybe just months? You've lost track of time within this world void of your purpose.

However, your point still stands-- until you had consumed that shard of energon that led you to this mess, you literally didn't intake anything before that, as far as you remember. It's been a while since you've last seen any type of food. You even forgot what food tastes like or if you even had a favorite. Unfortunately, you didn't die from starvation nor dehydration, but on the bright side, you don't have to excuse yourself to the bathroom anymore.

While you don't really miss eating, you do like the idea of being in a cafeteria, sitting with and talking to people on tables like a group of friends would. That's exactly the vibe you felt when you entered the mess hall with Soundwave.

Well... at least before the mentioned officer was acknowledged.

As soon as your captor stepped foot in the room, the welcoming aura was replaced by a heavy blanket of perturbed stillness. All casual chattering of the vehicons quieted down immediately, as if the sight of the blue mech disabled their voice boxes. But that's really not the case. Or, at least, it was kind of close. The reason for their silence was due to the fact that Soundwave almost never enters the mess hall; he often sends Laserbeak to retrieve his energon ration, but now that his drone is offline, he has to retrieve his fuel personally. And that made the lower caste Decepticons uneasy, knowing that the Communications Officer would be more... present compared to before.

Soundwave has a dirt on every con-- no matter the ranks. The TIC's blackmails held no discrimination; no one was spared-- whether from a simple mishap of embarrassment or name-callings behind their superiors' backs, to conspiracies that may contribute to future rebellions. He was the Surveillance Lieutenant for a reason. His vigilance may be another factor why the vehicons often kept their distance. They don't necessarily hate their Chief Intelligence Officer (mainly because he is the least abusive of his power as a commander; in fact, he rather treats them as equals), but they certainly do dislike his blackmailing tendencies. Primus knows how much he has heard.

Despite being silent, Soundwave has the most words to say.

And now that he'll be going to the core of all gossips (the mess hall) whenever he has to, who knows how much they'll slip before they can even notice their Third-in-Command standing by the entrance? The silent mech was competent enough to be a cyberninja with his unfaltering silence; the fact he was a spy wasn't helping.

Naturally, you didn't know what was going on-- on why the whole place suddenly turned quiet, therefore it would seem to be an unspoken rule for you to somehow make the already thick atmosphere thicker.


This femme, all the vehicons in the room internally groaned within their processors. Leave it to you to make things more uncomfortable with the current situation.

Soundwave merely nodded at them in acknowledgement, signalling for them to continue whatever they were doing before he came into the room. Can they actually do that? Well, if they have dignity or fear for their lives, then no. However, they still complied by hushing their conversations to themselves, trying to be as normal as possible, and overall stopped talking about the TIC's failed mission (which hopefully Soundwave didn't hear about).

They eventually stopped gawking when Soundwave proceeded towards the stored energon cubes; grabbing two with his tendrils before leaving.

While the vehicons weren't longer staring at the Third-in-Command, they still couldn't help but spare one curious glance towards you before the two of you were out of their vicinity.

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