Chapter 7

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        Anger, annoyance, confusion, mixed emotions Soundwave should express-- the emotions he should feel from the given situation, and yet chose not to waste time to comprehend them, and instead rushed to the Head Scientist's laboratory to re-examine you, leaving non-progressive workload within his hab-suite. Hence, the Third-in-Command easily convinced himself that his spark weighed heavy due to emitting the emotion of disappointment towards himself for not being vigilant towards you.

Right after you presumably 'scanned' Laserbeak, Soundwave stomped towards you-- the closest equivalent of him yelling out of anger. While you weren't really afraid of him, you flinched when he suddenly took hold of you without warning.

So, you were, once again, within the lieutenant's servo, but this time, he wasn't cradling you with caution like he used to. Now, he just grabbed you swiftly and harshly like an action figure, with his digits wrapped tightly around your torso as he speed-walked towards his destination-- lacking his usual calm demeanor, but never his grace. Even if his movements were rushed.

Despite having knowledge that he deleted his emotions, you couldn't help but ponder over the possibility that his emotional case wasn't all that black-and-white. Because, if you didn't know any better, he definitely showed signs of the emotion of being pissed. While you had trouble reading his intentions due to his lack of facial expressions, you were, at least, eighty percent sure he's angry at you.

Soon enough, you arrived at the laboratory, with Soundwave being quick to approach and interrupt the one-eyed cybertronian's work, and gestured for you to be re-scanned by simply pointing at the data pads that held your statistical records.

"Soundwave, your intrusion is unprecedented and, candidly, unnecessary. The human's check-up is until the next solar cycle," The scientist started, his optic quickly glancing curiously at you, who was still in the same unkempt condition. Despite supposedly emitting displeasure, Shockwave's tone remained as it usually is: monotonous. "...That is, if that were what you came in for."

The Communications Officer then projected a memory from his processor on his visor, showing a newfound discovery of you being able to scan-- specifically, scan his deceased drone. And if his theory were to be proven correct, then you might even have the ability to transform-- the signature cybertronian feat. With this hypothesis, and you being able to read their language, they may finally confirm on what your origins may possibly be.

"Yes, the results did, after all, confirm for it to have a t-cog. It is only logical for it to be equipped with a built-in scanner of its own." Shockwave thought aloud with cognizance, before addressing you (with you not failing to note that he still labels you like a non-sentient object). "Were you aware of this?"

"That I can scan and have that tea-bag thing? Not until today," You replied honestly, shrugging your shoulders, but with limited movement from the silent officer's tight grip, it was barely visible.

"It's called a t-cog," The scientist corrected, before continuing. "A vital organ that gives our specie the ability to transform." He expounded, as he prepared the examination instrument. "Perhaps now would be the right time to test the capabilities of your anomalous anatomy, while your experience is still recent." He then gestured Soundwave to place you on the metallic berth, to which the Intelligence Chief obeyed, but not in the manner you expected him to.

Earlier at the med bay, the lieutenant simply plopped you on the flat steel, with you landing on it without stumbling. However, what just happened was quite a contrast. He just tossed you on the table, and if you weren't imagining it, you were sure he put some force behind that throw-- even if it were minuscule. While the action didn't hurt you, you were sure as hell taken aback.

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