Chapter 8

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        You didn't think that the night would pass by so quickly without you even noticing until a vehicon was summoned to send you to Shockwave's lab for your daily check-up. Usually, your nights were agonizingly slow, having nothing or no one to keep you occupied for time to pass. You just lie or sit somewhere, avoiding sleep as if hoping that sleep deprivation is still a possibility for your cause of death. It never did work, provided with the proof that within every morning, you retained the same energy. Not being a morning person, that's saying something. At least, you believe you're not a morning person.

How did you manage to distract yourself for the whole evening? Easy.

Soundwave's data pads.

He actually lent you information regarding cybertronian anatomy-- that's what all the data pads were about; the basics on how they work and what they're made of; their biology. So yes, you spent the whole night learning. You're not even close to finishing half of the data pads the lieutenant gave you, but you were just finishing up on the topic of transformation, when the foot soldier arrived.

Admittedly, the reason why you were so invested in learning from the holopads was due to your attempt on figuring out how to transform, as if it contains instructions on how to do so. Perhaps that was also initially Soundwave's intentions: to give you reference. Was it working? Hah, fuck no.

There were terms you were not familiar with, and there were some bits you had to figure out on your own through context clues. You learned direct translations for some of them (in English), but some remained unique to the cybertronians, alone. For example, you taught yourself the equivalence of some of their body parts to a human's: optics mean eyes; servos mean hands-- so on and so forth. As for the peculiar terms, there were labelled circuits that humans, of course, do not possess, and there would also be parts that only cybertronians are familiar with, such as the mainframe system, protoform, nano-cells and of course, the t-cog-- the only term you're familiar with. You're just lucky you can read Cybertronian.

You were lost as fuck. This would mean you have to start with the basics and past chapters before moving on the transformation part.

So you gave up and accepted that you can't and never will transform. Easy to give in? Yeah, you weren't known to have long-term motivation.

As soon as you prepped yourself on the newly-arrived vehicon's servo, you were quick to wave a goodbye to your guardian (to which he only turned his helm to look at you depart), and mentally planned on telling Shockwave that you were a hopeless case.

Humming a random tune, you looked at the soldier holding you. You wondered if it was the same vehicon that brought you back to Soundwave's quarters yesterday. After all, all vehicons were identical. However, you wondered if they have some unique features that you can use to distinguish them under their visors.

Yet to see some landmarks to show you were near to your destination on the hallway, you guessed that there's some time left to kill, then tried to start a conversation.

"Hey, what's your name?" You asked, causing for your holder to visibly flinch during his stride.

"5T-3V3." The mech answered straightforwardly, attempting to regain his stoic facade.

"Cool. My name's (Y/n)," You politely introduced yourself, while trying to familiarize yourself with the robot's designation. "Oh, hey! Your name technically spells Steve! Can I call you that?"


"Nice. Thanks, Steve." Huh, so far, it's your first time encountering a cybertronian who lacks an authoritative aura, or at least, confidence. The robots you've met so far were menacing in their own way; with Megatron's thicc build, Starscream's try-hard evil persona, Soundwave's intimidating silence, Knock Out's irrefutable sass; and Shockwave's monotone smart ass. You'd like to add extra points, but you had already proven your conclusion-- they had something to defend their identities with; a protective wall around them, if you will. Something that makes people who meet them think they aren't vulnerable. However, despite this, you already witnessed their moments of weakness within a short amount of time; just within a day, actually.

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