Chapter 4

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        You are now dismissed.

After Megatron announced his assignments to his Head Scientist and Communications Officer, he was quick to let all of you proceed to whatever activities you have for today-- specifically, to whatever activities they have for you today. Sufficient to say, you didn't expect that being abducted by aliens would be so... boring, honestly. But maybe, that might just be you since you don't feel the thrill of your life being threatened.

The fact that you're once again seated on the Third-In-Command's servo with an indifferent expression on your face proved this.

Although, while waiting to arrive to wherever your destination is, you couldn't help but ponder over what Megatron asked you before he discharged your presence.

"Tell me, (Y/n). Do you have any friends? Or family perhaps?"

And as usual, you dissatisfied him with your disappointing short answer of a "no". That was the truth, whether he chooses to believe it or not (which you doubt he does). Your answer doesn't matter; Soundwave will still attempt to figure out your past. Not that you'll try to stop him; you're just as curious.

If perhaps you were to have any of either friends or family, then maybe you wouldn't even be here in the first place. But of course, as life would have granted it, you wouldn't even dare to dream the luxury of it.

You were pretty confident that he asked you that just so that he could use something against you, knowing fully well that they can't scare you no matter what empty threat they spit at you.

However, you may have slipped a last dialogue for yourself too, in the process of Soundwave taking you away.

"Sorry for pissing you off. Just wanted you to do your best in killing me. No hard feelings!" It was quick; rushed, but certainly did its job on somewhat easing the warlord's annoyance towards you. You weren't too sure though, you left before you could even take a glance at his reaction.

You didn't know why you told him that last bit. Maybe it's because you couldn't stand people holding a grudge over you, unless you hate them. Because you just met, he didn't really do anything for you to either like or dislike him (other than him constantly calling you an "it", you feel neutral towards him). That may be your low self-esteem talking, but either way, you have this bad habit of caring over what other people think about you. Well, perhaps not. You don't care for their opinion towards you; you just don't want people to hate you when you especially plan on leaving this world. You felt like that would ruin your plan of a peaceful departure.

You guessed it didn't matter anyway.

For now, you're just curious about where Soundwave wishes to bring you. You've passed trails of glowing purple striae across the halls that seemingly went on forever, not seeing the end of it. You wondered if they served a purpose, or perhaps they were just decorative-- your curiosity also reaching to the extent of the similar glowing veins on your visor-wearing custodian. It would seem that you've reached the ultimate dullness, witnessing yourself being curious of the least important things-- a tragic effect of boredom. Despite this pathetic realization, your mind continued to ponder over your last notion.

Before you could even make random guesses, your train of thoughts, along with the TIC's stride, had been interrupted by multiple heavy pedesteps, heading towards your way, based from the volume of their steps increasing.

Turning from the corridor greeted you with a sight of yet another robot. Correction: robots.

A group of a different set of robots-- other than the purple ones-- stood behind, who you assumed to be, their commander. This lot, much like the purple ones, have single-lensed red visors that serve as their eyes. However, unlike the so-called vehicons, their mouths weren't concealed with mouth plates, hence showing their sharp teeth that closely resembled to Megatron's. Not only that, they also have mandibles protruding from the sides of their jaws.

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