Happy - Calum Imagine

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You and Calum were sitting on your bed talking about different things. You've been really hyper that day and you got a burst of energy. You jump off of your bed.

"I've got a great idea!" You tell Calum as you walk over to your iPod Dock.

"And what would this great idea be?" He asks.

"You'll see" you simply say as you plug in your phone.

You scroll through your songs until you come across a song you use to be obsessed with. What you've done to me by Samantha Jade. You were kind of ashamed to admit this but it was a great song. You pressed play and turned up the volume. You turned around to see Calum smirking. You started dancing around the room in your ridiculous spotted knee high socks and 5sos t-shirt. You're spinning around in circles as you hear Calum's laugh echo around the room.

You start singing the lyrics to him and pointing over to him. You felt like a 5 year old but you were so happy. You jumped up on the bed, jumping up and down. Calum was extremely amused by you. You grabbed his hands and pulled him up to dance with you. Unfortunately he wouldn't dance with you, he just stood there smiling as you danced around him.

"C'mon Cal, dance with me!" You raise your voice over the music.

He shakes his head smiling.

"No I'm ok."

"C'mooooon!" You pout.

You take his hands again, moving his hands from side to side.

He rolls his eyes and then smiles at you.

"Fiiiiiine" He says giving in.

He starts dancing around like you, he pulls some of the worst dance moves. You can't stop laughing as he jumps around on the bed. He falls down onto the bed, limbs spread out.

The song is almost finish so you place your legs on either side of his hips, straddling him. He places his hands on your hips as you lean down towards his lips. You place your hands on his cheeks. You sing the last lyrics of the song and press your lips to his. He smiles into the kiss.

You hover over him as he stares into your eyes.

"I love you so much" he says, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear.

You smile.

"I love you more" you whisper.

"Not possible" he replies.

Suddenly you hear your brother yell from outside of your closed door.

"Are you having sex in there because I just heard a lot of banging!?"

You laugh hiding your blushing face into Calum's shoulder. His laugh vibrates through his chest making your heart race.

"What a way to ruin the moment!" Calum laughs while wrapping his arms around you.



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