Shorts don't fit - Luke Imagine

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You were trying to fit into your old shorts you used to wear around the house but the button wasn't doing up. You were getting so frustrated, your hair falling over your face. You sighed heavily. You walked into the bathroom catching a glance at yourself in the mirror. Truth be told, you hated yourself. You stared at the reflection looking back at you. You started crying. You hated that you couldn't fit into your shorts, you hated that you didn't look as good as other girls and you hated that your boyfriend, Luke was wasting his time with you. You started throwing everything you laid your eyes on. You needed to get the frustration out. You threw the last thing off the bathroom bench and fell to the ground, curling up into a ball. You cried and cried until you felt warm arms wrap around you. You instantly knew it was Luke. You cried into his chest as he sat on the ground with you. Running his fingers through your hair soothingly. As you stopped crying, Luke kissed the top of your head and lifted your chin up with his index finger to look into his eyes.

"Babe, what happened?" He asked, worry filled his eyes.

"My shorts don't fit me anymore because I'm fat and useless." You replied looking back down, playing with your fingers.

"Y/N don't you ever say anything like that again! You are perfect and beautiful. I love you so much and I hate seeing you like this!" He lifted your chin up with his index finger once again.

You stare into his eyes knowing that every word he just spoke was the truth and he does truly care for you. You smile weakly.

"I love you too Luke" you whisper, cuddling closer to his chest.

You stay seated on the bathroom floor until you got hungry and you both decide to make home made pizza together, forgetting about the situation that had happened only moments ago.


First imagine posted and it's the beautiful Luke Hemmings, hope you love!!

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