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This was requested by Fluffykookieeee

Jungkook and Taehyung were sat in the field of flowers. It was a place they both loved to go and hang out. It was such a peaceful place and definitely one of Jungkook's and Taehyung's. They were both sat in the field and Taehyung was in awe of all the beautiful flowers that were blooming.

"You really like them flowers don't you baby" Jungkook giggled and Taehyung nodded.

"But your more pretty" Taehyung smiled and went to hug the older boy.

Jungkook smiled and returned the hug. They both admired the beautiful day. The sky was a bright pale blue and the flowers were blooming a beautiful white. That all changed of corse when the sky changed to a bloodied red colour all of a sudden.

The two looked at each other knowing exactly what was happening. Demons.

The demons had returned for another fight. Jungkook and Taehyung spread their delicate, white wings and flew up into the bloodied sky seeing every other angel fighting off the vicious creatures. Jungkook and Taehyung had each other's backs. They kept helping each other fighting off the demons one by one.

That was until they saw one demon heading towards the village. Taehyung shouted to Jungkook to take care of that demon while he took care of the one they were fighting. The demons plan fell in place.

In their last battle Taehyung managed to injure one demon that was well loved in their dimension. They wanted revenge on him. A few more demons gathered around Taehyung so they were circling him. Honestly Taehyung wasn't that strong. It was Jungkook who had the muscle and strength.

The demons started attacking him. He let out a scream immediately getting Jungkook's attention. When Jungkook just finished defeating that demon he saw some crowding around where he last left Taehyung. He flew over as fast as he could fighting the demons.


That was the sound of a wing snapping. Jungkook's eyes widened and tears began to fall as he saw his lover fall from the sky. He tried to fly down to catch him but the demons stopped him. Jungkook now had range in his eyes. He defeated the first few demons before Jin and Namjoon came over taking over, telling Jungkook to attend to Taehyung.

Jungkook flew down and looked for Taehyung. He then saw bloodied flowers. Jungkook ran towards where the blood was and saw Taehyung laying there unconscious. Blood was dripping down his wing.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook said as tears invaded his vision again.

He brought Taehyung into his arms carefully not wanting to damage his wing more. Jungkook knows that damaging your wings can be fatal. As he held Taehyung close, he was praying and wishing that Taehyung would be alright. He saw the others fly down and run over to Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin fell to his knees seeing his best friend hurt and Yoongi his bother had rage in his eyes.

"Bring him to our house, we'll help him" Jin said and the others nodded.

Jungkook picked up his lover and they all flew as fast as they could to Jin's and Namjoon's house. When they arrived, Jin made everyone stay in the living room while he attended to Taehyung's wing. Everyone sat in silence. Jungkook was scared. Especially since Taehyung fell from the sky, he didn't see how he landed.

Jin came back through but kept the bedroom door closed.

"Is he alright?" Yoongi asked and Jin sighed.

"I think so, he might have hurt his shoulder and I'm not sure how his wing is going to be" Jin explained and everyone nodded.

They all sat there in silence for a while thinking of what would happen if a wing got damaged. Their wings were as fragile as a butterfly, once servilely damaged there is no use with them and that terrified them all.

After a few hours Jungkook asked if he could go in the room to see Taehyung. Jin nodded and Jungkook went in leaving the others in the living room. Jungkook sat on the side of the bed looking at Taehyung's featured seeing him sleeping and less in pain than he was before. His eyes then trailed over to look at his wing. He saw that it had been damaged and he was praying that it would be alright.

Him and Taehyung loved flying, feeling the wind through their hair was amazing and if Taehyung could never experience that again Jungkook would be even more heart broken.

———————— few days later.

Taehyung woke up two days later after the incident and was back at his and Jungkook's home. Taehyung's wing was still in process of intensive healing before it would be used to see if it was alright and he had landed on his shoulder funny making it really sore and in a sling.

Jungkook was happy that Taehyung was awake and doing well, he just hoped that his wing would be healed and better.

———————— few weeks later

Today was the day they would see if Taehyung's wing had healed properly. Jungkook took the bandages off Taehyung's wing carefully and gently, not wanting to cause any pain if there was still some. They both went to the back garden and Jungkook took Taehyung's hand into his.

Jungkook fluttered his wings lifting him off the ground slightly and Taehyung started to do the same. As he started he managed to get off the ground. They flew a bit higher until Taehyung got a shoot of pin into his wings making him stop. Jungkook moves his hand to around Taehyung's waist not wanting him to fall. They were at least twenty meters off the ground.

"I think my wing is alright, just a few more days healing and getting to back to strength" Taehyung smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck as they were still off the ground.

"Yeah, at least we know that you'll be able to fly again" Jungkook smiled brightly and placed his lips on top of Taehyung's soft lips.

They soon flew down and they went back inside smiling happily and were relieved. They continued to get Taehyung's wing back to full strengths until it was fully fine again.


First Uploaded: 12/02/2019
Edited: 20/09/2020

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