ೃfalling pt.2

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Waves engulfed the two boys. Yoongi swam up and as he came to the service he gasped for air. He looked around and didn't see the younger boy.

"TAEHY-" Yoongi shouted as another wave swallowed him.

He struggled getting back to the service. Everywhere he looked he couldn't see Taehyung. The daily water was stinging his eyes but he couldn't loose Taehyung. Taehyung felt like his little brother, they suffer with the same mental health and they've always stuck together if they have problems.

Yoongi began to loose consciousness.

'Jimin.... I love you'

Was Yoongi's last thought before he lost consciousness.

As for Taehyung, as soon as he felt the rough waves hit him, he inhaled the saluted water that filled his lung and he closed his eyes, waiting for the waves to take him to his underwater tomb.

"TAEHYUNG COME BACK PLEASE" Jungkook shouted as he fell to his knees crying.

"The emergency services are on their way now, they are two minutes away" Seokjin said trying to calm himself down.

Jimin stood there broken. His boyfriend and best friend were down in the ocean struggling. He shook his head and he then started to run, he knew that whereabout the other two fell there was a place where you could stand and watch the waves, it was a dangerous but beautiful place. The others saw him run and followed him, they couldn't afford something bad happening to Jimin.

Jungkook got up weakly and followed them running slowly. His legs felt numb, his heart felt numb. He wished it was him out there falling with Taehyung. He wanted to hold him as they fell, so then he could protect Taehyung and not loose him. Now it's a potential that both him and Jimin have lost their lovers.

He walked down seeing them walking along the rocky path to the place where about the other two would have fell. All their gazes were on the ocean trying to find them, even if it was one of them.

"YOONGI!! TAEHYUNG!!" Jimin shouted and cried more.

Jungkook walked over to him and hugged him and cried.

"K-Kook d-do you t-think that we'll find them?" Jimin asked as more tears fell.

Jungkook cried harder and Jimin shook his head.

Then morw footsteps were heard hitting the rocks to here they were. It was the emergency services, Namjoon went over to them and he started to explained what happened as best and as quickly as he could holding his tears back. Then four of them jumped in working in pairs. They stood there and watched as they searched for their friends.

It felt like eternity watching them search, the waves got rougher and tougher then the rope on one of the leads pulled the guys on land started to pull them back and they saw three of them. They lifted the small unconscious boy up on to the ground.

"Y-Yoongi" Jimin stuttered as he moved straight to his side.

One of the paramedics there started doing CPR on him.

"Come on baby I know you can do it, please... don't leave me" Jimin cried as he held Yoongi's cold wet hand.

Suddenly Yoongi coughed up a load of water and the paramedic rolled onto his side so he didn't choke on the sea water. Yoongi's breathing was still irregular, they put an oxygen mask on him and they took him to the ambulance to get him to hospital as quickly as possible.

Jimin stood there confused. He wanted to wait for them to bring Taehyung up but he wanted to be with Yoongi as well

"Jimin, g-go with Yoongi" Jungkook said his voice cracking from all the tears.

Jimin hugged him.

"They'll find Tae, then you can take him out on that date we planned for you two. They'll find him and help him Kook I promise, please call me if you need me okay? Yoongi is safe but I want to help find Tae if needed. He's my best friend, my soulmate after all. We both need him" Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook dead in the eyes.

Jungkook cracked a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah we will" Jungkook said and hugged Jimin one last time and then he watched him run off to be with his boyfriend.

Seokjin then came over to the younger and hugged him.

"They'll find him" Seokjin whispered in his ear and Jungkook cried in Seokjin's shoulder.

Jungkook felt useless and he hated it.

Then there was a pull. The others started to pull the others in and Jungkook moved out of Seokjin's arms. He saw they had another person with them. It's was Taehyung. They pulled him up and they immediately started doing CPR but nothing.

"Tae, please" Jungkook said desperately.

"He needs to have his lungs drained" one of the paramedics said and they rushed him in the ambulance not even asking if one of the others wanted to come.

That's how serious it was. Jungkook and the others ran to the hospital. They didn't have time to call a cab they just ran. When they arrived Taehyung was already having surgery to get the water out his lungs.

Jimin was sat there in the waiting room while the doctors attended to Yoongi.

"You found him?" Jimin asked with pleading eyes and the others nodded.

"Oh thank god" Jimin let out a breath of relief.

"But t-they couldn't get the water out his lungs" Namjoon said and Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook sat down with his head in his hands. His head was pounding from all the crying and his heart felt heavy from the events that happened. Then the door to the waiting room opened.

"Anyone here for Min Yoongi?" The doctor announced and they went over.

This is the end of part 2
I was only going to do two parts but this has got a bit long so I'll be doing a part three to this as well. I'll try and have that up tomorrow.

I hope you all enjoyed.

Remember to stay happy and healthy💜✨
first uploaded: 17/11/2020
Edited: —/—/——

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