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MANDAG. 07:50.

Noora stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was in dilemma whether she should put on her trademark bright red lipstick or not. She hadn't wear that lipstick for a while and she kind of got used to it. But honestly, she really missed it. She loved wearing it because it boosted her confidence. And now she really needed the confidence she got from wearing her red lipstick. So finally, she put on that red lipstick and made a decision in her head.

She decided to move on, starting from today. Today was the day that Noora Amalie Saetre was reborn, and nothing could stop her now. She had enough breakdown and her heartbreak phase was now over. Starting today, she left her past behind and couldn't be more ready to start a new life ahead.

So there she was, coming to the office early in the morning. She was so ready to go back to work, excited for her upcoming projects and interviews, and most importantly, ready to mingle.

"God morgen!" someone greeted her at her desk.

Noora help up her head and was stunned by the person standing in front of her.


Her smile automatically grew beautifully.

"Welcome back!" Alec said nonchalantly. "How was your... holiday?"

Noora chuckled. "I wasn't going anywhere actually. Just stayed at home, doing some stuffs, so,"

"But you weren't working at the office, so... it was a holiday!" Alec said with a big grin on his face.

Noora chuckled again. But seconds later, her smile faded. She remembered the dinner she had to bail on him.

"Alec, about that day--"

"Save it, Noora." Alec cut her off. "Don't worry about it."

"But, Alec, I really--"

"Just save it, Noora." he said again. "Save it for... another date with me?"

Noora laughed. Her mouth was hanging open wide. "A date, huh?"

"Yeah, a date." Alec laughed too. "If you want, I mean. But if you're busy, or not interested, then--"

"I'm in!" this time, Noora cut him off.

"Really?" there were stars sparkling on Alec's blue eyes.

"Yeah. Call it a date or whatever you want. I'm in!" Noora said while smiling widely.

"Okay..." Alec was low-key blushing. But Noora could definitely see it all over his face. "Just tell me when and where, I'll be ready."

Noora smile and nodded. She waved at him as he was walking away from her desk.

A date with Alec, huh? She thought to herself. Well, who knew it could be a good start for her new life? Besides, Noora thought Alec was a fine guy. More than fine, actually. It's Alec, duh! The most handsome guy in the office, the most wanted man in the whole building, and the only one who had the courage to ask her out even though he—and everyone else, apparently—knew that Noora always belonged to someone.

Noora's smile grew bigger thinking about her and Alec going out on a date. Maybe they could go see Noora's favorite theater play, or they could go to the beach and have a picnic there. Or maybe they could just chill at her apartment and enjoy each other's company. That'd be fun. She just hoped that it wasn't a wrong decision.



What a nice afternoon, Noora thought. The air was warm, and thank God she was wearing a sunglasses, so she wouldn't be dazzled by the orange skylight as she was sitting in this bistro terrace.

Left in London // NoorhelmWhere stories live. Discover now