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FREDAG. 08:40.

It was Friday. He was supposed to be at the office by now. The meeting was supposed to start at 9 AM. He didn't have much time left if he didn't want to be scolded by his boss again. He's been scolded three times already in the past week. Not sure he'd be trusted again by his whole team if he didn't come to the meeting this morning.

But there he was... lying on the floor in a total dark, not bothered to move onto the sofa, let alone to open up the curtains in his hotel room.

Drrt. Drrt. His phone vibrated. Still not bothered to move at all, he reached the phone and closed his eyes.

"Will, I swear to God, I will kick your ass off!" a man's could be heard shouting from across the phone. Must be his co-worker.

William was wide awake now, but still didn't move. He touched his left brow and roughly rubbed it. For a man who's been lying down and doing nothing for almost 24 hours, he looked very tired.

"Will, where are you?!" the man still sounded very upset. "Howard said if you don't come to this meeting, don't bother coming to the office again."

"Screw Howard."

"No, screw you! The man's our boss, and he's right! This is a very crucial meeting. You could lose the case, man."

"Jordan, I'm not coming. You can have my case."

"What are you thinking, William Magnusson?!" Jordan yelled. "It's not just about this case. It's about your whole career, man! Our career! You bailed on the last trial, you kept missing work, and now you're willing to risk this case? You've been working so hard on it, man."

William kept silent. His brain couldn't proceed to think of anything.

"You know what, Will? This will be the last time I'm covering you up, okay, just because I owe you from my last case. But please, whatever it is that's been troubling your mind, you need to make it up, man." Jordan said in frustration. "Either you let this job go, or you let her go."

William hung up the call without saying anything. His hand stopped from rubbing off his eyebrows. But his brown eyes were still closed tight. And slowly felt warm.



William finally got up from the floor. He walked to the pantry and made himself a cup of coffee. Warm. And bitter.

He used to hate coffee. He and Noora did. She never made him coffee in the morning, because she thought coffee's bad. Instead she would made them tea. She said tea was better than coffee. It cleansed you out. And that was true. William always felt better every time he drank the tea Noora made him. Especially on his hangover. He missed her tea.

He scoffed. Trying to remember when he started drinking coffee. Then his smile faded when he suddenly recalled what Jordan said.

"You've been working so hard on it, man."

Jordan was right. He's been working so hard on his work. Not just this current case he was handling, but from the beginning of his career.

"Noora is sick."

William halted. Chris' words suddenly rang in his head.

"Noora is sick. She's been sick for almost a month now. She seems awful."

That sentence had never left his head the moment Chris left his apartment two months ago. No matter how hard he tried to forget it, it's stuck. And it was the reason why he acted like this for the past few weeks. No matter how hard he tried to divert his mind into his work, it's still stuck.

Left in London // NoorhelmWhere stories live. Discover now