The meeting

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Keith's POV;

I just ignored the fact that I probably had offended the girls but I just didn't care. I didn't like the way they only talked to me because I had a 'nice ride' and that I was new.

I just didn't get the part in school where you had to fit in, have a bunch of friends and be popular. I had never been one to fit in and I never will, but it was okay I didn't care.

"Hey, I'm new and I don't know where I'm supossed to have my classes. They said I had to get my scheduel and comination to the locker from the office" I said to the small woman behind the big desk.
"Of course hunny. What's your name?" She asked and started up her laptop to look for my combination.
"Keith Kogane".
She handed me my papers and welclmed me to the school.

I knocked softly on the door that lead into my first class, math. I could hear the teacher quieting the class down and then the door opened.

"Hello sir. I'm Keith Kogane, the new student" i told him while walking into the classroom.
"Oh, Mr. Kogane welcome to our school. Take a seat beside the young man over there" he said and pointed at a empty seat next to a bigger guy with a yellow bandana around his head. I sat down in my seat and the teacher started the class.

Five minutes into the presentation the door opened and in came a tall tanned boy with brown hair.
"Sorry I'm late Mr. Clarke" he said and walked in.
Our teacher sighed deep and then kept on explaining.

"Hey dude you're sitting by my desk" he said when he had made his way to me.
"Eh, I didn't know you had your own seats. Sorry" I said and started packing up my stuff.
"Dude it's okay I can sit behind you. But can I have my seat back next class we have here?" he said and sat down behind me.

I could feel his eyes burn holes in my neck throughout the whole lesson and for some reason I felt like looking back at him and see what colour his eyes were.

The bell rang and the class was dissmised. I walked out of the room and started to look for my locker. I looked at the little piece of paper in my hand. '334' it said. I walked through the halls and then I could finaly see how the numbers on the locker doors turned from 200 to 300.
I found ny locker and put my stuff into it and walked back to the next class.

I walked in to history and just sat down beside this small boy with brown hair and a pair of golden-brown eyes behind a pair of big, round glases.

"Okay class we are going to start a new partners project about rome" she said and the whole class graoned at the thought of being paired up with someone who didn't do shit in class.

The teacher started to call out names of the people who would be paired up.
"Keith Kogane and Kaite Holt" she said and I started to look around the room.

"So I guess by the confused face you have on right now that you are the new kid Keith" the small boy next to me said.
"Eh, yeah that's me. Who are you?" I asked confused.
"Oh, I am Kaite but I would like it if you reffered to me as Pidge, okay?" she explained.
"Okay sure thing" I said and we started up the project.

------time skip to lunch----

"Hey guys this is Keith the new kid" Pidge said to a group of two guys as we sat down.
"Hello. I'm Hunk" the same guy I sat beside in math said.
"Hey" I said and looked at the second guy at the table.

Pidge introduced me to the second guy as her brother Matt Holt, he looked almost exactly as Pidge just bigger and without the glasses.

"Hey guys! I'm sorry I am late. Got held back in class for talk-" a tall guy with tanned skin and brown hair. It was the guy from math.
He had been running and when we locked eyes he just stoped in his tracks.

"Oh yeah. Keith this is Lance" Pidge said and I waved at him shyly.
He just kept staring at me and it kind of made me uncomfortable.
I cought so he would stop.

"Oh, yeah, eh, hey" he stammered.
"Hello" I said and I saw how his cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. I smiled to myself.

A long silence fell over the group and I could tell they usually didn't sit quiet and that it was because of me.

"Hey guys it was nice of you to let me sit with you but I have to go" I said and walked out of the cafeteria after quickly throwing my food away.

wow that was the wierdest lunch break I have ever had. But Lance was so cute. The way he just stoped and stared and I just wish he would like m- WOW JESUS, Keith how about you stop. You don't fancy him.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around. I found Lance looking at me with a nervous look on his face.

"Hey Keith. I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to grab a smoothie after school today. You know like so we can get to know each other" he asked and then quickly added, "not like a date I know you probably don't swing that way. Not that it matters like I don't like you or- am I saying this out loud?".
I just lughed at his red face and nodded my head.
"I'd like that".
Lance let out a long sigh and smiled.
"Okay cool I'll wait for you by your locker after school ends then" he said and walked back into the cafeteria.

I didn't want to but I felt sad over the fact that he had told me it wasn't a date but then I remembered myself what had happened the last time and I emidiatly snaped out of it.


Okay so that was the second chapter of the story what do you guys think? I wouldn't mind some help with my grammar and spelling.

word count: 1075 words.

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