I knew it! pt 2.

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Keith's POV; 

His grip on my arm, the demanding tone and the way he talks to me. Everything is like deja vú.
It feels like i'm back in the moments with him. When he used to beat me and call me names and then in the morning the day after apologize and say he will never do it again. And I would believe him. Every. Singel. Time. I am so stupid. How could I even let myself think Lance would be different.

I sat on the floor hugging my knees to my chest and I could feel the panic creep up my throat. It washed over me like a wave and I had no idea how to stop it from happening.

A hand was reached out towards me and when I looked up at the person I could only see his face. I flinched away and told him to stop. That it hurt. But he wouldn't stop, he never did. 

Then out of noweher strong arms were wraped around my smaller frame and the person just sat there and held me. I could feel the fast pace on their heart and it calmed me a bit but I had trouble breathing. I desperatly gasped after air but nothing came in.

"It's okay Keith. I got you. It's okay" I heard a soothing voice say into my ear.
Tears started falling down my cheeks and my sobs shook me violently.

The person pulled away and then something soft was pressed against my lips. I held my breath and then the blur that had surrounded me was gone and I felt the soft pair of lips against mine start moving. I moved my own in the same pace and everything felt whole again.

The person pulled away and I looked into his beautiful ocean blue eyes that were filled with concern.

"Lance" I breathed out and pulled him into another embrace. I wanted the contact. No I craved it. With my whole being.
"It's okay Keith. I got you" he said again. hugging me back tight.
"I like you" I blurted out.
"I like you too Keith" he said and I could hear that he smiled.
"Be my boyfriend" I said, it wasn't a question, more like a stating.

------Time skip to after school-----

Lance insisted that he was going to take me home and look after me incase I had another episode.
We had told the office that I didn't feel good and that Lance was going to take me home and look after me and they told us it was okay and that they'd let the teachers know.

After been walking in a comfortable silence when Lance finaly skope up.
"So that thing when you said you wanted me to be your boyfriend?"
"What about?" I asked him.
"I was just wondering if you just said because you were in a stage of fright or if you really meant it?" he explained having some trouble looking me in the eyes as he spoke. 

"Yes Lance. I meant every word I said. I like you and I want you as my boyfriend" I said confidently.
"Oh, cool. Because I want to be your boyfriend" he said and took my hand in his. I intvined my fingers with his. "Lance just promise me you wont hurt me".
"Keith I never want to leave you" he said but that was not what I wanted to hear.
"No I mean like never hurt me in the physical way you know" I was starting to feel uncomfortable as he looked at me with a confused face.
"Why would I ever hurt you Keith?" he asked.
"Oh, I-I don't know. I just wanted to know if you would ever snap like that because then it's no use to even try" I explained with a shaky voice.

Oh, shit shit shit. Now he probably thinks you're a wierdo. What if he finds out? He will deffenetly leave me if he finds out. What am I suposed to do?

"Keith. I promise you I will never ever in a million years snap and start abusing you. My heart aches that you even have to ask such a thing" he said and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry" I said into his neck.
"What are you sorry for?".
"I'm sorry that I can't trust anyone".
"Keith. It's okay. I understand that you might not want to talk about it now. But if you ever feel like you have to get it off your chest then I'll be here and listen. i promise you can trust me" he said and hugged me closer. I just nodded a silent 'thank you' and we broke apart.

The rest of the walk there was a lot more talking taking place. We talked about everything between heaven and earth. And suddenly we were standing outside my door. I opened it and let Lance inside.

He looked around in the small apartment before looking at me.

"So when will your parents be home? I would love to meet the ones who raised my boyfriend" he said and I felt my heart clench. Should I tell him that I live alone and that my parents died? Of course I have to tell him we are in a relationship and he will find out sooner or later.

"Eh, I live alone" I said.
"Okay. But when are they going to visit because as I said I'd love to meet them".
"W-well they w-wont".
He looked at me in confusion.
"Why? Are they mad at you or something?"
Oh how I wished that was the reason.
"No they died last year" I explained.
It wasn't half as bad as I had thought it would have been to tell him.
"Oh, Keith I'm sorry" he said and gave me a sad smile.
"It's okay Lance. You didn't know. How could you?" I reasured.
"Come here" Lance said and I walked up to him.
"If you ever need to talk or just cuddle because you feel like shit, come to me right away" he said staring into my eyes. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

We stayed that way for a couple minutes before I spoke up.

"Remember what you said erlier? About that cuddling thing".
"What about?" he asked hugging me closer.
"Can we do that thing now?".
"Of course. Where's your bedroom?".
I told him and the rest of the day we just chilled in bed talking and kissing until I fell asleep.


Okay so I know this one came out a bit later than the rest. But I was going to a tournament in table tennis but we only got half way because the train stopped working and we were stuck in a train that didn't have heat while it was like minus 22°C outside. That's why I didn't upload.
Now I'm home though and I feel like my body is about to give up on me.

It might as well be shitty af so sorry about that too.

word count: 1188 words.

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