Friends and enemies.

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(I don't know if I have to put a warning for this but to be sure here it is.
WARNING: In this chapter it might be some swering, selfhatred and violence also some abusive realtionships. If these are any triggers for you I would recomend you skip this chapter)

(So this is like a few weeks after that Lotor pays them a visit. Lance and Keith have come out to the school a while ago.)


Keith's POV;

I walked into the school and felt like everyone turned quiet the second they saw me. 'Wierd' I thought and made my way to my locker. I stopped and just stared at my locker in shock. Who had done that and why? There on my red locker with a perfect handwriting it said 'Slut'and 'Man whore' in black letters. I felt my eyes tear up and quickly opened it so I wouldn't have to look at it.

"Well isn't it the slut himself?" a female voice said behind me. I didn't turn to look at who it was I just put my bag away and took out my sience books.
"Hey, homo! How does it feel to have all the attention on you? You love it don't you? Attention whore" the voice said and a few others agreed.
I turned the other way and started walking down the hall. I felt everyones eyes on me and the way they looked at me made me feel sick to my stomach. 'What is happening?'I asked myself but didn't get a answer.
"Hey fag! Look at me when I'm talking to you" she said, grabbed my shoulders and spun me around so I was forced to face her. I stared into her blue eyes while she said more horrible words.
"What?" was all I could get past my lips, "What have I done?".
"It's nothing you've done it's something you're doing" she hissed into my ear. I looked at her with a confused face.
"You are stealing Lance from me" she answered my quiet question.
"W-what? How am I doing that?" I asked trying to push her off me but when I did two guys dubble my size took a hold of my wrists holding me in place.
"You see Keith. Before you came here Lance was obsessed with me. I wanted him as my boyfriend and I was about to when you showed up and stole him from me" she explained.
"Well it's not my problem that he loves me and not you" I said gaining some confident.
She smiled.
"No Keith that is true. But are you really sure he loves you?".
"Yes of course".
She just laughed me in the face.
"No I wouldn't even think so lover boy. And I can prove it" she said.
"H-how? What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Meet me on the main road above the school at 6 pm. I'll show you how much he 'loves' you" she said, putting weight in the word 'love', "And until then I'll give you a teaser on how it will feel after you see the truth" she continued and gave a sign to the two boys that held me. She swayed her hips as she walked away and dissapeard.
I didn't know what was going to happen i had never experiensed anyghing like this.

"So how do you want this fag? The hard way or the easy?" one of the guys  asked me but I didn't answer.
"Answer me slut!" he said in a loud voice. I just looked up at him.
"I guessed you didn't want me to actually answer that question now did you. I will get hurt either way" I said in a calm voice undertanding what was going to happen. I was going to get my ass kicked.
He looked so angry it alsmost scared me but all I could think of was the thing she had told me. I decided that i was going to look waht she meant even though I trusted Lance with my life.
A hit in my stomach disturbed my thoughts and I couldn't get any oxigen (Don't know English) in my lungs. I chipped after breath when the second hit came flying towards me. I felt how my rib cage almost gave in on my. He let go of me and I fell to the ground, holding onto my knees desperatly like they were the only thing keeping me alive.
Then a kick and another hit me in the stomach and I could feel how I was going to have to cover the bruises tomorrow not to worry Lance.
'You are nothing'. 'You disgust me'. 'You are a disgrace to humankind'. 'A waste of air'. The words rained over me and the flashbacks hit me like a brick.

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