The past knocks on his door

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Lance's POV;

Me and Keith have been dating for about two moths now and we really get along, exept when we are going to choose a movie because we can't agree on one. We are getting super close and my parents love him.

"Lance can you make breakfast today?" Keith asked me when I had woken him up in the morning.
"But babe, I made breakfast yesterday too" I whined.
"Yes but I loved you cooking" he said and then rolled over me and whispered in my ear, "And you look so hot while cooking" and nibbled my earlobe.
"Agh, fine. But I wont cook tomorrow" I caved. I hated how he could make me agree so fast.
"Thanks babe" he said and pecked my lips before I got up and made us breakfast.

I looked over at the clock and saw that we had 20 minutes left before school starts.
"Keuth hurry in there we're going to be late" I said throught the bathroom door.
"One sec I'm almost done". Three minutes later he emerged from the bathroom and we quickly made our way to my car and drove off towards school.

"I hate school. Do we have to go?" Keith whined as I pulled up in to the parkinglot.
"Yes we have to. But the office changed my scedual so I have two more classes with you" I told him
"Yey!" ge said, "Then I can look at your hot ass as long as I want to" he said and laughed.
"You do that already. Remember?" I said and dragged him into the building.

"Isn't it my favourit couple" Pidge said when she saw us.
"Well it better be" I told her.
"How's it going man?" Hunk asked me and dunked my back.
"Great. I had to make breakfast again this morning. I don't think Keith knows how to cook" I said and earned a slap on my arm from Keith.
"I can cook I just like it when you do it okay?" he said and pouted.
"So me and Hunk was thinking about go to the arcade today after school and wondered if you guys wanted to follow?" Pidge suggested.
"Yeah I'd love to" Keith said and I nodded in agreement.
"Nice. Then we'll see you guys after school then".

----time skip to lunch----

Me and Keith was walking up to our usual table and sat down waiting for Pidge and Hunk. Then a tall skinny guy with brown isch hair walked up to us and sat down.
"Keith?" he asked Keith.
"Yeah? Why?".
"Well there is this guy outside the school who is looking for you" he said.
"Who?" Keith seemed confused.
"Tall, a lot of muscle and purple dyed hair. Oh, yeah he has a big tatto of a knife like thing on his left biceps" he explained. I saw how Keith's face fell and he started to shake.
"Th-thanks" he said in a shaky voice to the dude.
"Hey Keith are you okay?" I asked him.
"N-no. How could he find me? He will punish me" Keith said and he sounded so different. It wasn't the real Keith, not the Keith I fell for.
"Baby, tell me what's wrong" I insisted and rubbed his back to calm him.
"He, he will hurt me" he said putting his face in the crook of my neck.
"Why would he do that?".
"He has done it before".
"Who is he?".
"My last boyfriend. Lotor" he said.
I felt how my heart stopped for a moment and then started beating again.
"What did he do to you?" I asked.
At first Keith didn't answer just sat there quiet.
"Keith, it's okay love" I reasured him, "I wont tell anyone and I'll be here for you".
"He hit me and called me names" he explained.
"Okay. Did he do anything else?".
"Y-yes. He forced me-" he couldn't even end the sentece but he didn't have to, I understod.
"It's okay Keith. As long as I'm here he wont get to you" I told him kissing him on the top of his head, "Do you want me to talk to him?".
"No. He wont listen, he never does" he answered.
"Do you want to skip class and go home to you and cuddle?" I asked.
He looked up at me and smiled.
"Would you skip school to make me feel better?".
"Yes of course. And I'll buy you any junk food or candy you want".
He nodded and kissed me lightly on the lips.
"Yes I'd love that Lance".
So I called Pidge and told her that Keith didn't feel so good and that I was going to look after him so we had to go to the arcade some other day.

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