Episode 7

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Sam: So um, on the off chance You're actually listening. I gotta be real honest, the visions aren't making a whole lot of real sense to me. Truth is, I don't know what's what. Please, what are You trying to say?  

Dean: I thought we talked about this.

Sam: Yeah, we did, Dean. But why's it so hard to believe God could be sending me visions about the Darkness?

Dean: You kidding me? He didn't feel the need to show up for the Apocalypse, why would He give a crap now?  

Dean: I'm saying don't count on God, count on us.  

Donna: For the most part been tater tots and lemon drops, except for this doozy. I mean, when you get a call about a killer Easter Bunny, you don't know what to think.  

Donna: My guess? Copycat killer.

Dean: Damn social media.  

Sam: Yeah, so, Ghosts 101: somebody's spirit can attach itself to an object or a bunch of objects left behind. In this case, masks.

Dean: Right. So, whoever possesses the object...

Sam: ...Gets possessed.  

Sam: Everything has a weakness, even ghosts.

Dean: They hate iron and salt, so all we gotta do is spook the spook with a little salt and, uh, maybe we could pry it off.  

Dean: Killer clown? You're serious?

Sam: No Dean, I'm joking. Because clowns are really funny to me.  

Donna: I don't know how you two do this. Day in day out, figuring out who's possessed, who isn't. Your life's one big poop storm isn't it?

Dean: Spoken like a true hunter.  

Sam: I keep praying to God because if it is God, and I know you think it isn't, but if it is, He's showing me something I don't know what to do with.

Dean: What?

Sam: The Cage.

Dean: Lucifer's Cage?

Sam: Yeah. What if He's telling me I have to go back, what if He's saying that's where the answer is to defeating the Darkness?

Dean: Sam, no. No, okay? I don't know if these visions are coming from God or PBS or what. But we've been down that road. Anything having to do with that cage is-it's suicide, you of all people know that. So no. Just... not gonna happen.  

Dean: Yeah maybe. I'm just still not 100% sure this is our kind of a case, but if you got a wild hare... See what I did there?  

Sam: What's the deal? He seems nice.

Donna: He is! But he's a cop... named Doug. I mean, clearly, I have a type, but no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd.

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