Episode 16

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Safe House

Dean: You really think now is the time to take our eye off the prize?

Sam: We can't just sit around and-and wait for a lead. Plus it'd be nice to get a win. This case seems like a layup.

Dean: Yeah. When's the last time we had a layup?  

Bobby: The Apocalypse is on the horizon, and you wanna hunt a damn ghost?

Rufus: Well, unless you found a way to stop the end of the world during your little siesta... We got jack-all on any of that business. I knew you were in the area, heard about this possible little gig. I thought a win would be nice.

Bobby: Oh, wait. I'm supposed to be your frickin' backup?

Rufus: Yeah. Well, if by backup you mean you do all the heavy lifting while I watch. It's Shabbat.

Bobby: Are you serious?

Rufus: Deadly.

Bobby: You drove over here. Ain't that against the rules?

Rufus: Less talking, more hunting.  

Rufus: It's officially none of your damn business, ma'am.

Bobby: Were you ever nice?

Rufus: 1985. Worst year of my life.  

Dean: Well, Bobby and Rufus were definitely on a ghost hunt.

Sam: 'Grand Rapids, Michigan: possible ghost hunt with jackass.' That's all he wrote?  

Bobby: Been burning the midnight oil, last couple of weeks. Up for days looking for ways to stop the Apocalypse. Looking for anything. Sam and Dean are right in the middle of this thing. I'm worried about my boys, Rufus.

Rufus: Your boys? Hey, hey, alright. Okay. Papa bear. But you know more than anyone, Bobby... Even if we find a way to keep the world spinnin', not everyone's gonna be on that bus ride home. Sacrifice, greater good, all that jazz.

Bobby: Yeah, I know.

Rufus: Oldest rule in hunting, Bobby. You can't save everyone.  

Dean: Come and get me, you son of a bitch.

Bobby: Stay away from me, you son of a bitch.  

Soul Eater Dean: You know your brother wants to go to the Darkness; he needs to go. But I can keep you safe, both of you. Forever.  

Rufus: You saw something in the nest, didn't you? What'd you see, Bobby?

Bobby: My boys. Both of them. Both of them dead, and then I saw... Well, I don't know what the hell I saw.

Rufus: Yeah, well, forget the oldest rule, Bobby.

Bobby: You gettin' soft on me, Rufus?

Rufus: Yeah, soft this.

Bobby: Idjit.  

Dean: I don't know. Maybe it's like-like you said before, that Bobby and Rufus' trap sigil forced their souls out of the nest back then, and that the soul eater was just making me see things. However, if Bobby did go into the nest back then, and you said that the nest exists outside of space and time, then... Theoretically, couldn't he and I have been there at the same time? Right?

Sam: My head hurts.

Dean: Well, let's get drunk and not think about this ever again.  

Sam: Hey. You said the soul eater made you see things, plural. So, what else did you see?

Dean: I saw you, dead on the floor. What?

Sam: How messed up are our lives, that you seeing a vision of dead-me is actually kind of comforting?  

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