forty two

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liked by sammyk, yesjess and 107,164 others

kelsijames: thanks for the lend of the side of your house sammy

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username: um who's this gorgeous human being ?!

seaveydaniel: that's my girlfriend ! 💜

username: literally so cute ^^

yesjess: um photo creds sis ?

username: yo kelsi never gives people photo creds ...

kelsijames: i forgot !!! @username @yesjess

mayat: sammy's house looks so pretty ... from this angle

sammyk: ouch @mayat and you're welcome kels

username: guys sammy is a guy and i just stalked his instagram and they were really really close friends back in high school ....

username: he better not come in between daniel and kelsi !!!! 💜

seaveydaniel: @username i hope not too

username: wAiT wHAt ?!

kelsijames: no need to worry guys , me and daniel are in a great place in our relationship ! (pinned)

sammyk: i wouldn't dare come in between the best couple in america @seaveydaniel @kelsijames @username


( third person )

Kelsi and the others gathered all their things and went to put them into the multiple cars they took, but came back soon after.

In the end, the crown was between Sammy and KJ. "Just like high school" Sammy joked, knowing that he always won.

"Yeah yeah yeah. We know you're going to win. You always do." All she did was roll her eyes but got a hug from him.

"We'll see. It's been over a year since we've done this." Sammy replied, letting her go.

"KJ." Kelsi heard a whisper from the left of her ear and saw Corbyn waving her to where he was. She excused herself and walking to him.

"What's up Bean?" She said jokingly, but all she got was a nervous looking Corbyn. "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to ask Amy to be my girlfriend tomorrow. Like officially and I don't want it to go wrong." Corbyn slurred his words together.

"Don't worry about it. Amy seriously likes you, Corbyn, and whatever you do, I know she will say yes." Kelsi reassures him, saying true facts.

"Okay then." Corbyn said, finally relaxed. "I'll do it tonight."

author's note
sorry for these short chapters

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