The Bunch Of Roses

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Stretching her arms out wide, she felt the knots in her shoulders, how she wished to go to spa and get herself a massage. Spitting out the chewing gum into a small piece of paper, she took her glasses off her grey orbs.

As she made her way into the corridor she looked down at the couples, making her cling in irritation. Annika's eyes met with a familiar face, Rehan, her bestfriend. She shook her head at his nonsensical behaviour, he kept on trying to keep his arms up a girl's shoulder but she kept on throwing it off.

Her muscles clenched more after looking around herself, she hated to admit that she felt all of this very puke worthy. She couldn't believe when the school's chancellor announced for an half day for straight eight days just for stupid valentine's week.

Annika saw a bunch of girls drooling over the guys who passed by, the worst sight she had to see today. Groaning in annoyance she banged her feet onto the hard floor.

Reaching to her locker, she opened it. Annika gasped loudly when her eyes followed to the bouquet of Red Roses, confused she picked it up into her hands, nevertheless the person who gave them to her, she loved the red roses.

Her hands reached out for the letter lying inside neatly. She looked at the fancy card in her hands, she traced her name on the paper with her fingers.

'Dear Annika,

I might be little clingy, cliche but my feelings are real, everything I am gonna write or give you will purely be my love for you.
Roses are red, violet's are blue, nothing compared in this world is beautiful than you. I want to give all the love in this world, I would want to have you in my arms till my last breath. The red roses are for you and you can keep my heart too. I would love to keep myself hidden until this week gets over. Let tomorrow arrive and I will be back with lots of love..

With love,
~ Anonymous

Annika's face flushed as she read the letter out, who might be the person writing it? She had no idea. Blushing, she kept the bouquet of roses back into the locker, she couldn't carry it right into her home. Tugging the letter, she grabbed her bag and made her way out if the campus with a smile plastered on her face throughout.

This is something very different I am going to write this time, I might be clingy but anyways I am going to pen it down.


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