Kissing My Heart

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Annika stood with scowled up face yet again, there stood numerous couples, making out, chessy-talking, flirting and some proposing, her only constant thought was- Love should be banned.

It was a day before Valentine's day, the kiss day. Annika had stayed up all the night thinking if her anonymous lover would kiss her or atleast say who he was. The phone in her jeans pocket vibrated and she was broken out from her thoughts.

'Nice white top, I love that on you' Annika realised who had just messaged her, Anonymous, that was the nane saved in her phone. She still couldn't stop but think how has he managed to grab her phone number.

Roaming her eyes around, she tried to see who it might be but no one seems to be bothered looking at her. 'Stop looking for me darling ;)' Annika shoved her phone now into her pocket, irritated with The Anonymous.

Rehan came silently, watching Annika who leaned against her locker. Thinking deeply as ever. "Did something happened that I wasn't informed of?" Rehan whispered slowly, scaring Annika the same moment.

"What are you? A robber? Can't you say a hello instead of scaring the shit out of me?" Opening her locker, Annika huffed in frustration. First the couple's and now this anonymous, she hated to admit that she was bothered with those letters and those letters fluttered her heart in happiness.

"That's why there is a name for people who have right to do anything to other person, 'Friends', it is called Friends" Rehan shook his head dramatically. "Now, get away from my way Rehan" He pouted his lips before giving her the side.

"Have a nice day sunshine" Rehan shouted his lungs out making every person in corridor turn their heads towards Rehan. 

Annika rolled her eyes, looking back at rehan as she continued to move forward, not givinga head towards where she was heading towards. "Shit" Annika cursed out as she landed flat on her bottom. A groan escaped her lips soon enough.

"Duck, I am so sorry" Annika heard the familiar voice hit her ears. Her eyes glued on the gorgeous face who was knelt in front of her. "So, how are you Annika?" Shivaay stood with her books in his hands and passed it to her.

"I am good, just had a bad night with books" Shivaay chuckled and walked with along with her. "It's tomorrow  the most dreadful day,  for you,isn't it?" Annika looked up to him, studying him for some seconds before she nodded her head.

"Those letters aren't helping you, are they?" Shivaay moved to face her, standing right at her path. "Nope" popping the 'p', Annika brushed him aside.

"I will walk you to the class if you don't mind" Annika shrugged her shoulders and let him follow her till her class.

"Alright, I will see you in lunch, then" shivaay gave her a cheeky smile, leaving her alone after they have reached her classroom.

Annika clutched her books tightly as she felt the butterflies in her stomach started to jump yet again. Not able to hold them back anymore, she rushed into her class with a flushed face.

Shivaay had raised his eyebrows to see Annika behaving way to weird. He didn't knew what was up in her mind yet again.

Annika stretched herself on the table,playing with the pen in her hands. She impatiently waited for the bell to ring so that she could calm those mouse's which jumped in her stomach every now and then.

She had thought of not touching the letter that she would be now kept inside her locker today, she didn't wanted to entrain that guy anymore. Annika sighed heavily as the bell went off.

Grabbing her bag, she headed towards the cafeteria. "Missed me?" Annika shrieked as Rehan whispered lowly down in her ear, scaring her out.

"Are you nuts?" Annika sat down on the chair of their usual table grumpily. "No I am not but on one hand I am" Rehan slid on the chair opposite to her.

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