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Straightening up his black t-shirt as he threw his dusty hands off in the air

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Straightening up his black t-shirt as he threw his dusty hands off in the air. How he wished she was there to see how he was running away just for her, this all would have brought a smile on her beautiful face.

Shivaay took baby steps towards the main gate, the most tricky part was to cross the guards and escape from their eyesight. Taking in a long deep breath, he took a tiny stone from the ground. Coming closer to the main gate he threw it right next to one of the guards who seemed to have notice trouble in the surrounding.

Shivaay gazed at the watchman standing and leaving to have a closer look on where the stone came from. Running his hand through his hair, he took the opportunity and exited the mansion.

He was finally out of the big large house which felt so much suffocating to him. Crossing the road, he walked a little mile, tired he stood with his hands on his both knees . He couldn't possibly travel the kilometres path to Annika's house on his feet alone. He looked at the number of passing rickshaws, the only option he had left.

He couldn't believe where Annika had led his life towards, the Shivaay Singh Oberoi who couldn't give upon the luxuries of his life was now going to travel in a rickshaw, he was sure that he would make sure everything would be paid off by Annika soon enough.

Getting into one of the rickshaw, he uncomfortably sat down on the not very soft seat, it was an odd feeling which was hitting him upon sitting on the hard seat. The only thing he wanted was to get to her regardless of how he reaches her.

Paying the rickshawala off, he looked at the small, old house infront of him, remembering the first time he had arrived inside her house, the time when she threw the water onto his face, the girl who turned his everything upside down from the time she had entered his life.

Shivaay took a deep breath in hope that she would still in her house, his eyes followed to her scotty kept beside the other bikes and cycles, he knew she was here, he could sense her presence.

Knocking onto her door with his knuckles, he impatiently waited her to open the door, he wanted to look at her amused face when she would find him here.

Shivaay turned himself around to see number of people gawking him, some whispering into each other ears and some young girls drooling over him. Scratching his forehead he turned himself around to face her front door again.

He couldn't understand what was taking so much time to open the door. Sighing, he made his way towards the window of her tiny house. Peeping inside through the small opening, his eyes met only with darkness, she wasn't there in the room.

His heart stirred at the thought of her living in the darkness knowing that she was ncytophobic, scared he ran towards her door back. Kicking the door with his foot he tried to crack open it. He could see bunch of people staring at him through corner of his eye. Not caring of what the people might be thinking, he kicked onto the door harder each time.

The door flew open with one of his great kicks. He looked uncomfortably at the dark surrounding, he hated to see gloominess all around.

Shivaay's heart beat faster each passing second, something felt terribly wrong to him. His legs collided with one of the table infront of him earning a groan out of his mouth.

"Where the hell are these light? Annika" Shivaay took his phone out, turning the flash light of his phone, he searched for the switch board when his eyes widened as he looked down someone lying on the old, dusty sofa.

"Ann..ika?" Words trembled out his mouth as he kneeled down infront of the sofa. "Annika" grabbing her wrist, he shook her body, trying to bring her consciousness back.

"Annika wake up" he sat down beside her in empty space left on sofa. With shaky hands he grabbed the glass of water kept on the table beside and sprinkled some drops down on her sweaty face.

"Annika please wake up" his almost pleading tone came out as a mere whisper. Hearing her moan, startled, shivaay's racing heart calmed down. Annika opened her heavy eyes only to meet with darkness, frightened, she yanked her arms onto the closest thing she could get hold of.

Shivaay's muscles relaxed as her warm arms wrapped around his torso. Annika's dizzy head rested near to his face, her uneven breathing made its way into shivaay's ears.

"Annika" shivaay eased his hands down at her back, trying to calm her. She felt vulnerable, he felt she would melt down and escape from his clutches, but she didn't, she held onto him tighter. "Annika I am here"

Annika wiped her nose and made herself come out of whatever she was pouncing over to. She gasped as her fingertips brushed against his sift skin. He was really here. "Shivaay" flabbergasted, Annika jumped onto her feet.

"What are you doing here?" Without answering Annika, Shivaay went towards the window and drew the curtains away letting the light make it way into the room.

"Shivaay" gulping down, shivaay's eyes focused in the floor beneath him. "Answer me" bitting down on his bottom lip, he rubbed his neck in nervousness.


"Shivaay" Pinky chirped in her usual tone, it's nearly been an hour when she left her son alone in the room. She needed to make sure that he wasn't starving or having cold feet till now.

Pinky pushed open the door of his son's room. Upon entering the room, pinky looked at the surrounding, letting it sink that shivaay wasn't in the room.

Her mind forced her to think he might be inside washroom but then her eyes froze at the neatly kept clothes along with a white paper.

Pinky grew anxious, her hands sweated profusely, her body shivered from head to toe. Her knees grew weak and she sat down on the bed with a heavy heart. Her hands made its way towards the piece of paper.

'Dear Mom,
From the time you held my finger and taught me to walk on my legs till the time I had grown up looking up at you, hoping that I would become like you someday, flawless, perfect and a beautiful human being. I had nothing about to complain when everything I had never asked was presented in front of me in click of seconds, I had everything. I grew up to become your small Billu to a big one and then the time came when I had to get married. More than anything I always wanted to see a smile on your face and I really wanted to make you smile everyday. I did everything you wanted me to, meet Tia, agreed to marry her, not just for your happiness but for my own selfish needs, the deal between the two companies. And now when I look down at my stupidity I feel low of myself not because I listened to you to marry Tia but to not realise what I was missing upon. Annika, she made me realise that she was adamant on filling my life with colours even though she herself wasn't aware of how she was effecting me. I wish I had enough courage to talk to you in a person. Take care Mom. I will show up really soon but until I don't come back please don't try searching for me. I love you.

Your faithfully

Pinky's smile faded away as the paper fell down on the floor. With a heavy heart she sat down on the bed. What was she even going to answer Tia? She didn't knew, her mind raced with numerous thoughts.

Gathering courage, she picked herself up and took the paper on her hands and shoved it into the desk drawer. Fixing herself up, pinky marched down the stairs to face everyone.

I gave a gift to myself by updating this on my birthday, was craving to write this up and now I am glad that it's up now.

Hope this all didn't turned to much cliche ;-) Would update regularly after 27th, my exams get's over by then.


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