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Annika took mini steps as she continued to walk away from the table, away from three of them

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Annika took mini steps as she continued to walk away from the table, away from three of them. She admits that it was rude to leave like that, with no explanation but she needed to get away from Shivaay right now and so she did, she did what she felt right at that moment. Though she hated the fact that she felt guilty after acting like that.

Standing in the snow with her leather boots on, leaving behind some footprints as she moved a bit away from the house and towards the backyard which she thought never existed but she found it out during the time she was immensely bored. The snow reminded her of certain someone.

Her mind couldn't help but take her back those moments when they had been in the snow, throwing snow balls at each other, laying down beside each other and dancing under the poring snow. Her fingers grazed over to the wet snow which was on verge of melting and changing back to water.

Annika found a bench close by, sitting down in it after dusting some snow off, she looked at the sky upon, the clouds covering the atmosphere, her eyes softened at the sight in front of her, it brought calm to her body and mind.

Annika was scared, she didn't even knew if she was going to be there with him forever. She was insecure about so many things and she hated it as she couldn't help feeling this way. Shivaay had been everything to her, he was a perfect boyfriend and a great human being and it scared her even more because she wasn't like him.

She heard the clicking of the boots in the snow, Annika knew who it was instantly, like she could sense him just like he did. There he stood in front of her, a frown plastered on his face and his lips pressed into a thin line. His broad shoulders covering the view behind him, his hands crossed over his chest, he looked intimidating at this moment.

Shivaay had excused himself as soon as he saw her leaving but he decided to give her some space, to let her clear her mind, so he sat himself down on the couch for some minutes. Rudra and Omkara's eyes fixed on his big brother who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

After some minutes of waitingz they had seen Shivaay get up and walk away from them, they were confused at this moment but they knew the both better, they would sort it out, they had trust on the two of them.

"Annika, what happened?" Shivaay sat down next to her, she was not looking up at him and this irked him even more. She stole a glance at him and concern was written all over his face. She hated to look at him like this, it hurt her.

"It's nothing Shivaay" Annika shrugged her shoulders not wanting to give him a clue what was going on in her mind. "Tell me Annika, please" Shivaay pleaded to her in a gentle tone, he really needed to know this time, it was already killing him.

"It's really silly Shivaay but I wanna tell you. When Omkara asked you- when we're you getting married, you took a minute to answer it, I don't expect you to be always by my side, I do know that one day, maybe, you will find someone better than me and I wouldn't blame you for that, I just...I am just overthinking" Shivaay lips parted, a grown adoring his forehead, what was she even talking about? How would she even think that he would leave her after all this? Women. They were really hard to understand.

"I don't understand it Annika. Did I do something to make you think like this? If yes, please, trust me, not today nor tommorrow I am going to let you go" He assured her, his fingers gently tugging her wrist, her eyes looked down at her hand where his fingers were resting, she wanted to lean against his warmth and stay there forever. "I am so stupid, I am so sorry. I did not mean to hurt you" Annika face palmed herself, she certainly did not know what came over her to behave in this way, she hated to make him suffer unnecessarily.

"You can never hurt me Annika. Listen, if you feel like this ever again, you won't run away, you come to me, alright?" Shivaay asked in the voice filled with concern. He never wanted to lose her, not now, ever.

"I am stupid, how do you even handle me?"

"Well, no one can handle to you other than me, so are stuck with forever" Hearing upon his words, she felt herself blush under his gaze. What was doing to her? How could he do it even without touching her, only he knew. "You trust me, don't you?" Annika did not give that question a second thought before nodding her head.

Shivaay smiled at her, holding her face in between his fingers, he swore that she looked even more beautiful in the snow. Her nose was turning red and her fingers were almost shivering with the cold, he grabbed her waist, bringing her closer in order to give her warmth. She released her breath only to find it getting hitched when Shivaay palaced his lips down at her lips.

She felt warm, his lips were doing wonders as she felt his tongue sliding across her lips, she whimpered under his touch. He brought those unknown and unheard feelings which were so foreign to her some seconds ago. How she wished to stay like this, under his touch and in his arms forever. "I love you" Annika stopped immediately, her arms untangling from his shoulders.

Was she dreaming? Did he say that? Pinching herself, she looked at him wide eyed, no, it wasn't a dream, he had indeed said it. Shivaay looked worried, he had wanted to say those three words to her from long now and he could not get a perfect opportunity like this one to say it. His eyes moved to see her, she was deep in her thoughts, he was not furious as she did not say it back but he was scared as he thought that he had messed it all up.

"Annika, look at me" Shivaay said in a low voice, waiting impatiently for her to look up but she did not, not after a minute of waiting for her to do so. He lifted her chin with his index finger, she was not even looking up at him which had made him more than scared.

"Annika, listen, you no need to say it back. I just wanted to get it off my chest, I could not live knowing that you did not know how I felt for you" At that Annika had slowly looked upz meeting his intense gaze.

Annika had ever felt so overwhelmed in her entire life and Shivaay brought a side of her shudh she never knew existed until she got addicted to his touches which were so intoxicating that she wanted to come back for more and more. She did feel strong emotions for him but love, she was not so sure about it, she had never ever know what it felt to be loved.

"I don't know what to say" She shyly looked down, it amazed Shivaay to see her looking so confused but he knew, she needed time if he wanted her to reciprocate the feelings. "You need to need to say anything, just stay with me for now" She could not help but smile at him, he was such an incredible human being that had made her think how was she able to hate him at the first place.

"What do you say about a date tonight?"

"That sounds amazing"


All juti's, chameli's are accepted, I know I needed to update but I did not, as usual, blame my lazy self for that. This story is coming to an end in few updates though. I hope I am not disappointing any one of you.

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