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November 15th, 2015

Agent Remington has reported that Ms. Miller followed W12 to witness our exchange yesterday. I don't think there is anything more I can do to protect him from her, other than ban his interactions, which will not go well. Better to just wait and see how things unfold independently. At this juncture, I cannot determine if she is full of common curiosity, or malevolence.

W12 was distraught at our meeting yesterday. I am glad he requested the meeting in private, as those volatile words would certainly undermine my authority with the subjects. However, I believe after seeing the files, he understands my caution.

I have been summoned to Corporate for an emergency meeting and must fly out immediately. They have secure news to share which may spawn action from my subject group. Remington will be babysitting while I am gone, though both he and his charges may object to that term.

Meeting Notes:

Mississippi foster care disappearances.

Same method as Alaska?

Possible second compound.

Call group meeting - issue warning. Secure lockdown.

Dispose of Aurora Miller.


Aurora pulled out the police report from her first home placement. There was a sad little picture of her with bruises across her neck and arms. "The thought of Adam seeing this makes my skin crawl. I feel like I might throw up."

"If you do, you should do it in his bed."Ros's voice crackled through the phone speakers as she replied.

Aurora couldn't help giving a little laugh. "You're the worst."

"Pretty sure you mean best. But seriously. You need to just lock him in a room until you get answers."

"I don't want to force him to tell me some painful stuff that he doesn't want to bring up." Aurora sighed and flopped down on her back on the bed, spreading her legs and arms.

"But this is shit that's to do with you," Ros protested. "It's your freaking past, your childhood, your private stuff. You're totally justified in asking whatever you want, babe."

"I know, I know. I don't know what the hell is going on."

"You're more likely to get answers if you're nice," Ros said, voice businesslike now. "I think it's smart to get all the information you can first, then decide how to react. Try to hold back the emotional responses."

"I'm always ni-" Aurora paused as she heard the slam of a truck door. Footsteps tromping up the front porch. Chinook's laughter, and Adam's grumbled response.


She winced and clapped her palm over the phone as Ros's voice sounded out loudly. "Hey, listen, I gotta go. He just got home."

"Oh. Okay! Tell me how it goes." Ros dropped her own voice to a whisper to match Aurora's. "Just come over afterwards. We have so much to talk about."

"All right, I'll plan on it. See you then." Aurora hung up, scrambling back up into a sitting position. Smoothed her hair, straightened her t-shirt. Adam's footsteps were coming down the hallway.

There was a long pause, then the doorknob rattled, and it burst open, Adam sweeping in with energetic steps. He paused as soon as he saw Aurora, curled in a sitting position in the middle of his bed.

"Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn't realize you were in here..." His voice trailed off as he looked at her. "Are you all right?"

"No," Aurora said. "Could you close the door? I need to talk to you."

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