Seven - Part 3

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Aurora showed up just at the nick of time for Anthropology, and managed to fling herself down into the seat closest to the door just before it closed. The professor gave her a stern look that by now was familiar, and she squirmed. Risking a glance back, she saw Adam and Daniel both seated where they'd been last week. Daniel was turned to the girl next to him, the brunette from last week, and draped one arm over the back of her chair. She was giggling and he was leaning forward and making attempts to nibble her neck. Adam, however, had his eyes fixed firmly on Aurora. He looked expectant, hazel eyes trying to ask questions he couldn't phrase aloud from across the room.

She twisted back around to face the front of the class and forced her mind to focus on the professor's words for the entire hour. She found her thoughts wandering frequently, wondering what living with Adam would be like. How long would it be before she could find a place of her own again, for the right price? Hopefully not long. She had this strange butterfly sensation in her stomach when she looked at Adam sometimes, and she had a feeling it would be difficult to ignore if they were living together. It was difficult to ignore now.

By the time class had ended, Aurora's knees were bouncing with nervous energy. She stuffed her books and papers hurriedly into her bag and scampered outside, ducking into a quiet corner near the water fountains to wait. She didn't have to wait long before Adam emerged from the doorway. He glanced around the busy hallway before his eyes found hers, and he strode over to her, Daniel at his heels.

"What's up, new roomie?" Daniel asked with a lazy grin.

"Uh, what... what? Hello. What's up?"

"You're living with us now, right?" Daniel raised his brows.

"I hadn't decided," Aurora responded in a dignified tone. "But I-"

"And before you decide, you should see the place." Adam cut her off firmly, and handed her a small piece of paper with an address scribbled on it. "Meet us here. You can go over everything."

Aurora nodded slowly. "That's a good idea." She had already made the decision, but it would at least be good to get an idea of the place before telling them she had no choice but to stay with them.

Adam hesitated. "And how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, really." She tilted her head back to smile up at him, and when their eyes met she got another wash of that warm tingly feeling. Uh oh. "Tired, but okay. Thank you for asking."

"Of course." Adam stepped back, still tracing her features with his eyes, but nodded. "Well. We should go. Come on over when you're ready."

"I'll be there soon," Aurora promised. She didn't realize she was tensed and holding her breath until they walked away, and it released from her chest in a whoosh. She took a few cleansing inhales and exhales, leaning against the wall, then straightened and took a sip of water from the fountain. Time to face the music.

She collected her car from the vast reaches of the student parking area, and began making her way towards the address Adam had provided. It did look like a nice location, on Iron street, quiet and residential, but close to downtown. Aurora was very familiar with the area, as she lived only a few minutes walk away. Well, had lived.

The place looked amazing, when she first pulled up. It wasn't an apartment as Adam had said, but a full house, set back from the road. A beautiful green lawn stretched out from it and curved down a steep decline towards the road. It looked well taken care of, with crisp white paint adorning the walls and a smooth polished wood front porch. Aurora got out of her car, taking a moment to revel in the bright sunshine, letting it lift her mood, before starting up the front walkway. It led between two neat rows of miniature rose bushes. The whole place definitely didn't have the vibe she was expecting. It looked more like a sweet cottage for an older woman rather than a place for two bachelor college guys.

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