Six - Part 1

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November 13th, 2015

This morning, Subject W12 approached me with a very calm and rational proposal for weekly instead of daily check ins. I believe he is beginning to test the ends of whatever leash he believes himself to be on. I admit, Corporate would not be happy, but I have agreed. What is the point of this grand experiment if we don't see how they actually react to freedom? If we give them freedom while still restricting every movement, we will never see what these subjects have truly become.

It is my opinion that it seems the experiment of independence is working well. I believe some of the younger subjects may be ready to introduce into the local public school system come winter. Children are extremely adaptable. For example, Subject W6 is already studying eagerly in preparation.

Additional note - requesting background check on Aurora Miller's friends and acquaintances, any significant roles in her life. It seems her connection with W12 is deepening, and I can't help but feel uneasy.

Aurora was meticulous about arriving on time. Yet when she was with Ros, she learned to calibrate her expectations. So, it was no surprise that she was pulling her car neatly into a spot at the park a full fifteen minutes after noon.

"I can feel you seething from here," Ros called from the back seat, her words muffled as she crunched on a mouthful of potato chips. "It's called being fashionably late."

"It's disrespectful of their time," Aurora called back, pulling up on the emergency brake and beginning to assemble her things.

"He's a boy, whether he knows it or not, he wants his ladies with a little mystery. We show up late, looking fabulous, he's wondering... Where have they been that's so cool? Why wasn't I invited? Why are we just at a lame park playing catch?"

"You're the one looking fabulous," Aurora replied, hiding a smile by climbing out of the car. She hooked her backpack over her shoulders and brushed off her t-shirt to smooth out a wrinkle.

"Oh please. It's not about what you're wearing. It's how you're wearing it, babe." Ros exited the car with her chin lifted, like a red carpet queen. She was dressed in a long, translucent dress that floated and teased in every light breeze. Underneath she wore a bra with intricately looped straps, and yoga pants. It was utterly ridiculous, but on her, somehow it was perfect.

"You're right, Beyonce." Aurora grinned. The sunshine was catching her mood and lifting it to match Rosalind's exuberance.

They both began strutting down the long, gentle lawn, studded with evergreen trees. There were a few families, children at play on the swingset while the adults lounged on blankets. There in a large open space, Aurora spotted the familiar silhouette of Adam, heaving a frisbee with all his strength. It sailed far and high, and Vader's large, muscular form tensed, eyes watching its trajectory with unnatural intelligence before bounding towards it, leaping up and catching it with a snap in his powerful jaws.

Aurora swallowed hard. It was a primal display of skill that made him appear more wolfish than a gentle puppy in that moment. Remember, it's just Vader and Adam, she reminded herself as they strode forward. Her eye caught then the lanky figure of Daniel, still clad in black jeans, a studded leather belt, and the black leather wrist bands. Quite a strange figure to see loping over the soft grass and fighting with a dog over a frisbee, but there you had it.

"And another one? Which one is which? You didn't say there were two!" Ros was loudly whispering, slowing her steps upon approach. "Holy shit, that dog is fucking huge."

"I didn't know Daniel was coming. Daniel's his friend. Kind of a manwhore, but he seems funny I guess," Aurora whispered loudly back. "Daniel is the gothic looking type. Adam has the curly hair and nice eyes."

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