Chapter 23 - Derek

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I can't apologize enough for disappearing off the face of the earth :( I've been sooooooooo busy. soccer and marching band have been crazy. On the bright side, I scored in my first goal in a JV game and have played in all the varsity games so far! :) yay moi. Anyway, I bet your pretty anxious to get to this chapter...brace yourself. :&



"Seriously, Derek?"

"Wait, wait, wait, please say that last part again."

"I don't know everything, but Aimee is getting anonymous messages bullying Maddy."

"How do you know? Why? What do they say? From who?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN!" Wyatt yelled over the video camera, absorbed in the Xbox controller. He blatantly paused him game and turned toward the screen, hand moving over the mouse. I continued to pace. He leaned back, head in his hand frustratingly. "Aimee has been getting anonymous - emphasis on anonymous - messages on tumblr from someone who keeps saying horrible stuff to Maddy. Maddy's at Aimee's house. Aimee said she hasn't seen any of them and is working to keep them hidden and stop the messages, but then she said a picture of you and Scarlett Jones making out got to her."

"Then what?"

"Nothing. She hasn't responded to my last four texts."

"No. Shit."

"Yeah, shit is an understatement. What the hell were you thinking?"

I sighed and paced more, walking aimlessly around the room. "It's hard to explain."

"No, it's not. If you liked Scarlett you shouldn't of lead Maddy on."

"But I don't like Scarlett, for the millionth time! It was sort of a spur of the moment, closure type ordeal."

"Closure? That's a rather friendly type of closure."

"Fuck you."

Wyatt sighed. "You've got to fix this yourself then. I'm not going to be the petty messenger boy of this. And in all honesty, I'm pretty sick of you right now. You pulled a real douchebag move. On Maddy, of all people. Definitely took it too far."


"So you tripped on the slut wire and onto Scarlett's mouth. Yeah, totally an accident."

I flung a stack of books on my desk against the wall, resounding a loud thud and landing in a mess of pages. Mom was a heavy sleeper, but maybe that was a bit too loud. I don't care though. I'm so frustrated, nervous, guilty, sad, angry, depressed, and above all, frustrated. Wait, didn't I already say that? I don't care. I don't care. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care...

I care about what I did. I care about Maddy. I care about Scarlett. I care about Maddy...I care about her too much. Forget Scarlett. Look what she did. She must've had the whole, sick, twisted thing planned out, never meant anything, nothing, nothing at all. She lied, Derek. Really, really badly. She set you up and you waltzed right into the web. I'm just a big soft lump of weakness. What happened to my confidence? Before all this I could lie so easily. I could sneak away with so much. I could hide everything about myself until this girl, this amazing, incredible girl came along and made me question everything about myself, changed me, exposed me, caught me and never let go. Oh god, I don't even know what to think of myself. It was harmless at the time, right? It was supposed to be a secret. A little white lie. But you gave up one, unfaithful kiss and put a whole relationship on the line, someone's feelings, someone's heart. Maddy. You put Maddy on the line, Derek. None of this would've happened if I didn't do something so stupid, reckless, thoughtless.

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