Chapter 1 - Maddy

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"2 Laps!"

We all groaned in unison.

"Let's GO, or I'll make it 4 laps later." Coach Dublin said.

With another groan, we set off down the sideline, with Aimee, Dakota, & Mark taking the lead as usual. I stayed in the middle, determined not to finish last behind Jarod, Derek, Wyatt, and all the other guys that stay back and talk while they run. How do you even do that? I have enough trouble breathing while I run.

Before I continue this story, I might as well introduce myself. I am Madeline Joelle Gray (more formally known as Maddy), 5' 4", 123 pounds, 15 years of age. I live in Ashcrest, Pennsylvania with my parents, 2 older twin sisters (Hadley & Hannah) and my younger brother Drew. I enjoy the beach, hanging out with friends, and soccer, which is where I am right now running my butt off. As if being on a guy's team isn't hard enough.

I forgot to mention that, didn't I? I'll just say that I, a girl, am on a boy's team. I'm not the only girl on the team though, and there's a good reason why we're here. You see, there are only a few girls who play soccer in our grade. There's me (Maddy), Aimee Cook, Heather Moore, and Dakota Walsh. That's. It. Anyways, the high school girl's varsity coach didn't want us to be forced to play varsity and not get any play time, and the boy's junior varsity team consisted of barely enough freshmen for a team, the freshmen I was playing with right now. The compromise was to simply put us on the boy's team so we would be able to play this year. I guess I don't care, soccer is soccer. But to be on a guy's team at our age is a little scary and definitely could easily turn sour.

"Ok, good job you guys. Grab a drink." Coach Dublin said, continuing her talk with Coach Reed.

I put my hands on my head and tried to slow down my breathing. Eventually, I was able to take a sip of my water.

"Ugh, that was horrible. I wish soccer wasn't so much running." Dakota said.

"Agreed," Aimee & Heather replied in unison. We giggled, but our weariness over took us. A small silence settled over as we blissfully enjoyed the rush of cool water down our throats.

"Darn, I should've brought more water." I said, tossing my empty water bottle by my bag.

"There's more in the cooler." Jarod said, setting down his water bottle beside a small red container. I opened it up and grabbed a plastic water bottle.

"Thanks, Jarod." I said before taking a nice, long drink. Jarod was a nice friend, and a really good soccer player.

"Hustle up! I need half of you on the corner, the rest right where Coach Reed is, and...Derek, in goal." Coach Dublin said.

"Sweet." Derek said before running towards the goal and slipping on his goalie gloves. Aimee and I took the closer spot by Coach Reed; a few yards to the left of the penalty spot, while Heather and Dakota went to the corner.

"We'll be doing corner kicks. I want you to get it in, either by volleying it with your foot or head. Of course, not every kick is going to be perfect, so do what you can with what they give you." Coach Reed explained. "Grayson, you're up." I watched as Carter raised his hand to signal he was ready, then kicked the ball. It went a few feet off the ground, but landed in Derek's hands. He goalie-threw the ball back, and the next kicker was up. Zane kicked a low pass out from the goal box, which Aimee turned around and shot straight at Derek. He caught it and tossed it back again.

As we warmed up to things, the kicks got better and better, a few going in. Of course, Jarod always had a perfect kick that no one could get in the goal. Jarod is Coach Dublin's son, so naturally he was good. Another perfect Jarod pass flew over the goal, Aimee taking a wild attempt to head it in and ending up knocking the soccer ball right outside the goal.

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