Chapter 31 - Derek

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I pulled myself until I was draped over her windowsill, struggling to catch my breath. I looked up at her, poised with a power strip and said, "Hi."

Immediately her arm dropped. "Derek, what the hell are you doing in my room at 1:30 in the morning?"

I forced myself over the ledge, lazily rolling over and landing sprawled. "Gimme a minute."

I couldn't inhale enough oxygen. Why did I jog is the big question, I suppose. Nonetheless, I closed my eyes and tried to get back to a regular breathing rhythm.

Maddy's voice interrupted my concentrated breathing. "Well?"

I stood up, finally back to normal, and looked around her room. It was painted yellow, I thought. All the lights were off so the room was only illuminated by the moonlight. Her bed was to my right, closet front of me, desk in the far right corner, hallway door in the left, a dresser, then finally a bathroom door. It was a nice roomy bedroom. I shook myself back to reality, finding her increasingly menacing stares. I shrugged and said, "I don't know, I kind of just wanted to see you."

"Are you crazy? What if my parents or sisters come barging in?"

I set a hand on her arm. "Maddy, relax." Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a Regular Show poster. "It's one in the morning." I finished. I brought my attention back to the poster. "Huh, I didn't know you liked Regular Show."

She frowned. "Yeah, well, I do. Now go." She started to push me back towards the open window. I smiled to myself; I knew just the trick. Spinning around and pulling her closer, I kissed her. Long, sweet, slow, perfectly. Everything about her was so perfect. I hovered for a second before whispering, "Can I stay now?"

She looked conflicted, but finally gave in. "Fine. But not long."

I smirked at her. She glared back. Maddy was cute when she was jokingly mad, not yelling mad. Never mind, she was cute all the time. I just liked her jokingly mad more.

I sat at her desk and thought about how I was actually here. Sure, I had ripped up the map and notes, but I didn't need them to get here. What I said was truthful though; I really, really wanted to see her. I couldn't stand it. She was all I could think about and I knew couldn't wait until tomorrow where we wouldn't have a bit of privacy without someone staring at us. So I ended up here, in her room, at one in the morning. And I thought it was perfect.

I started rifling through drawers when I spotted a rainbow-colored book wedged by the side. I definitely knew what it was. "Oh, what's this I see?" I taunted, meeting her eyes and rasing an eyebrow. She was unbearably adorable when she was mad, as I was reminded again.

Maddy rushed over and lunged for it. I held it out of her reach. "Give it or I'll kill you."

I let out a quick laugh. "Fine, but you can't look at mine now."

She seemed to hold up for a second, pondering the thought. I didn't care about sharing my emabrrassing, nailed away journal for a glimpse at hers. "You have a journal?" Maddy asked.

"Yeah." I responded simply.

Maddy definitely was thinking about it. After a few moments, she said, "Okay, I'll let you read mine if I can read yours."

"Deal." I stated, setting it on the desk and walking over to lay down on her bed.

She asked, "Aren't you going to read it?"

"Later. It almost sounds like you want me to." I narrowed my eyes at her as she glared back again. "Got something about me in there?"

Her glare turned to a confident smile. "No, actually, I don't. I haven't written in that since sixth grade."

Well there goes that plan. "What? Unfair."

"You already agreed, no take-backs." I was about to protest, but she laid down and leaned back until her head rested on my stomach. So it backfired, but there's got to be something in there. Why would she think about it so long? I hoped for something interesting to read, then asked her about the other poster hanging on her sloped ceiling to change the subject. "What's that poster?"

She looked where I was looking. "It's a Game of Thrones poster. You've never seen it before?"

"No." I replied. I had heard about before, but didn't know anything about it.

"We have to watch it sometime. It's really good."


"Of course."

I chuckled. "Perfect. Have you seen Battle Royale before?"

"No, what's it about?"

I sat up in her bed and poked her head with a pillow so she didn't have to rest on my legs. Excited to explain it, I responded, "It's like the Hunger Games, but ten times more gore-filled and violent. And it's a Japanese film."

"That sounds awesome."

"Yeah." I replied, staring at the white on the ceiling again. I tried to make small talk. "I don't know, I really like bloody action-adventure films. I guess that's kind of expected, I mean I don't know." There was silence again, and I realized that I must've sounded like such an idiot. Why was I suddenly so nervous? Relax, Derek. It's Maddy. I've talked to her countless times before. But still, my heart raced. I bit my lip and looked at her to see if she noticed my anxiety. She did.

Maddy smiled an infectious grin, the kind that made you feel okay again. "Me too. Which is unexpected I guess. I don't know." It took a moment, but I smiled at the added "I don't know". I wanted to hug her and not let go for the longest time. "Are you nervous right now?"

My heart raced again and I turned the hem of my shirt over, picking at the stitching. Say something, say something. Of course, I came up with "I don't know." She laughed infectiously again and I fought to suppress a a smile. "Shut up."

She laughed once more and propped herself up on her elbows, looking at me questionly but with reassurance. "Why? I just want to know what's got you so worried."

I calmed myself a little before responding. "One, being here. Because maybe I'm just being a huge bother right now, you know. Plus I'm really sorry I scared you so much. And two, the Bridesdale tournament. People know Max's name, they're going to recognize me. And I don't -" I caught myself and smiled at her, her smiling back. "- I'm not sure, excuse me - how I'll compare."

Dammit. No one cares about my pathetic problems, what was I thinking? I cursed myself as Maddy scratched at the pillow case. Why was she with me again? I could be really thick-headed at times. Another sentence I would take back if I could. But finally, she responded, taking me out of my self hatred. "I don't think you need to worry about it. Who cares if you're better or worse than your brother." She paused for a second. "I like you being here if that makes you feel better too. You're definitely not bothering me."

She rolled over again and looked at me with those doe-like hazel eyes. Her little smile was endearing and her cheeks were flushed that light shade of pink again. I don't know if I loved her all this time, but I really really liked her. Her smile, her laugh, her in all and every perfect aspect. I replied, "You're cute."

Dammit Derek. Again with the stupid replies.

"Thanks. You too."

Her comforting comment made me chuckle again and look down in shy embarrassment. "Thanks." I picked up my shirt hem and played with the stitching again. I was too shy to look her in the eye. I wasn't embarrassed often, and the feeling felt extremely off. I changed the subject again. "What's it about? Game of Thrones?"

Maddy set off into a detailed explanation of the tv series. It actually sounded really cool, especially the way she described everything. Kings and Queens and wars; whoever the Lannisters were, whoever the prick Geoffrey was, the giant Wall, and the Dothraki with their bad-ass dragon leader, Daenerys. It was nice to see her so passionate about something. I almost came out to her about my unhealthy obsession with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but thankfully she yawned before then. "Are you tired?" I asked. It was late; I should of probably left awhile ago anyway, but the thought disheartened me.

She stretched and yawned again. "Yeah." Her eyes closed in a strangely captivating way. I took the chance to gaze at her all I wanted. She then asked, "What are you doing here?"

I couldn't take it anymore; I wanted her by my side. "Come here." I demanded. I laid flat again and moved over for her to a have room beside me. She twisted herself and the pillow around until we were laying side by side. "Let's just stay like this." I thought, tracing her hand next to mine. I replied quietly, "I told you, I wanted to see you."

"Yeah, but I'll see you tomorrow. And you wouldn't have to run a mile or two."

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